rip van winkle

Wishing you a very Touch Grass if you’re that bothered by an innocuous statement of opinion and/or a mildly inconvenient section of a game.

“...the Kinetic Blade got a new Rare variant that keeps the damage the same, but grants you an additional kinetic dash charge, bringing the total to two.”

I don’t have the game in front of me but doesn’t the normal Blade have 3 charges, so this would bring it down 1? That would make more sense since the blade was only

To each their own, but that’s never how I felt. I played that game for hundreds of hours across multiple playthroughs and I don’t remember ever feeling like I was “farming” or “grinding” for weapons. I was just fighting the guys the game put in front of me and taking the spoils and I almost always had enough. I didn’t

Thank god. I was worried that they’d remove it after all the people who complain about it. It was such a good mechanic in the previous game.

Amen. Most durability haters misunderstand that the system is functionally pushing the player to do the same thing that traditional loot systems accomplish. Both are forcing the player to engage in some micro-diversity in gameplay that introduces just enough variation to keep combat feeling fresh. Dying Light

There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

There is an item you can buy from the crones in roumdtable hold that make you appear to be an npc.

Im sure he saved a lot of time by not answering the phone every time his cousin called.

You reduced yourself to that. Stop being silly, yes there’s lots of options, no, none of them are as simple as a pause button. Why be mad about that? 

Or they could just allow pausing seeing as there’s no reason not to (just don't allow it while online with other players).

if you can’t put things off in the real world for 1-3 minutes while you log out or warp somewhere, that’s the bigger issue than not being able to pause.

When playing the game in single-player there’s straight-up no reason to not allow pausing that outweighs the fundamental user-friendliness of a pause button.

So I’m guessing you have neither pets nor children, but yes in fact. Allow me to introduce you to this entirely new concept called “Responsibilities”. Yes. Not being able to pause is in fact a problem.

You know literally nothing about that project or how much work has to be done

Someone has spent a lot of money on NFTs.

This particular argument only needs to die once any of the things you mentioned above are actually in effect. Because absolutely none of them are for any of the major cryptos out there today. Not even Eth, which has had people talking about it moving to proof of stake since its inception, and it’s 6+ years old now.

There are people who would like to see friends of mine dead and Chappelle has declared he stands with them.

I agree with more transparency, but game trailers and highly scripted videos of announcements aren’t exactly what I would call transparency either.