
@TuxRug: ubuntu would be cool too but the only thing that it would have that the ipod doesnt already have is flash ha

errr rock has soo much more of a cleaner UI


i wish zune would step up their game :( soo much potential

@grahamillion: Ive had them since they were released ... maybe i got a good pair, never had a problem with them haha

i love beats..... ive got the white pair and they are soooo great :)

@muvolt: Hahaha that is soo how apple works tooo :P

@Kayonesoft: wireless tether, and lil tweaks that might bug you like changing the battery color and such

I was defiantly thrown off by the apple icons on the first pic

You Guys there is a great deal at new egg for anyone who wants the beats by dre dre headphones.... same price but it comes with a free 16 gb Zune HD so its a great deal !

now all we need is skype

thats awesome

@freezway: i like that idea ... the boot screen might give it away tho

no way is all i have to say about that nonsense

Sure hope you guys are right i just purchased the metal gear solid for KHBBS, Crisis core, Mod racers, God of war...... im pretty excited hahaha just hope sony doesnt screw me over

@aziatiq: I ENVY you so much ahaha