
looks like the first girl android phone haha

@Channan: hahahhah very funny ... make a vid

maybe to promote the iphone or to use one of her songs in the next ipod touch commercial .... probably something to do with advertising ... its also possible she just wanted to stop in because she loves there products hahaha

@Misterine: hahah makes me wonder what they really said ... jp

@cool8man: both of them are.... they sure are stepping up the design .... im glad someone besides apple is haha

@t3chn0v1k1ng: hahaa the one person that came to mind was IJ (from youtube)

@Meh: yaa seems pretty useless... along with about a third of the apps on the app store

@Meh: to bad apple didnt put an SD card slot on it then you could go from camera to this if anything haha

@djsmiley2k: maybe you could request it on the forums if they have them

This loooks sweeet

Groove shark is the best in my option ... if i were ever going to pay extra it would be for that

Really justin beiber ????... jk i know a lot of people are fans ... im not but its ok if you are haha

Why does one say the 8th and the other say the 1st??