
if i were looking to upgrade my TV i would go with google TV but thts just me :)

@Benitocarmona: i would think so haha it is google after all :P

I tipped this yesterday :D

@unwritten_law9: Ya i have the incredible and HTC takes forever to update their software to the current firmware.. not that i dont love the sence UI i just wish they would get on top of it a little more haha i prob wont have 2.3 until like june if i get it all, my phone never even got the update i had to root it and

@unwritten_law9: Very possible depends on its requirements, they can only update aging hardware for soo long no offence intended

@m0m0: tru i just couldnt see sony doing that after they have updated the psps OS soo many times uno?

jeez i remember when it took like 20 minutes or more to temporarily jailbreak my ipod touch 2nd gen haha

@Michael Crider: ive had my HP laptop for like 3 years never had a problem i just feel like its extremely fragile like the plastic feels flimsy ... but im used to solid dells soo idk what to expect anymore i reallly like what Asus has had lately they look pretty solid with the metal finish

i rooted my incredible flashed cyan rom missed my widgets too much and it was a bit to glitchy and unresponsive for my liking but i did like the integrated wireless tethering

@m0m0: why would it run android haha ?

They stole ubuntus thunder


@ekornblum: im pretty sure it has more then its competitors tho and since its google youtube will work great and so will the chrome browser that is integrated

@matt_mcmhn: worst case you could buy an extender :) but i agree at the very least i would like 4

@RykinPoe: open source cough cough haha apple is very picky about what their users are allowed to use but i guess its how you look at things, if you own all apple products already i suppose it wouldnt be terrible ... but i do think that apple over prices for one time rentals

@GaryJ73167: flash, office, programs that are not available to the ipad.