
I LOVE THIS, i hope that in the next release of Ubuntu there is an option to include this and the full Ubuntu OS when partitioning your hard drive... i'm pretty sure that this will give Chome Os some good competition because Ubuntu has

did anyone els think iron man when they saw this haha

@letsrock64: thats why its "technically" an american car ha

CYDIA FTW!!!!!!!

THIS IS COMPLETE BULLLLLLL.. me and my friend both own gateway and hp computers and they tremendously run and work without malfunction!!!!!

iPod touch 2nd gen ??? any info on what apple products it will be compatible with??

@rainserpent: I completely Agree ! VERY bad move on their end.... this is the first that i have ever herd of a program "dropping linux"

@musicman119: i agreee!!! new keyboard would be nice

@MeruNT: i love the zune software, it has never givin me any problem not nearly as bad as itunes,its smooth and doesnt bug me, lag and to top it off a sweet UI

i think that if it does get rejected then it will just go underground (cydia)

@UnMicD: ha me also, although it does have a nice clean look to it, not saying that windows cant look clean but it will be interesting to see if google plans to make an android tablet to compete with this

@Kafka: ... thats not very fun at all lol


@Nowell: was there an update for the app, what os you running ?

was anyone els pissed when they went to type in a tv show in the search bar and noticed that the ipod/iphone the keyboard is disabled, like you have to go to each key on the boxee interfaces and the keyboard doesnt come up on the app anymore ): i reallly liked that

haha who pays for apps theses days ????? (jailbreak)

sweeeeeeet,anyone know if you can get it running in a linux box yet??

@gohugatree: haha ur right i didnt notice the scanner, good point

im confused why you would spend so much money on the mac and dell and not get some decent monitors for them