
99% of the time there is an open source alternatives to those apps you put off paying for ..... i think that would make a great lifehacker post "open source alternative"

i think of somthing that is sleek, abstract, and easy to use, have some nice animations (smooth) and for it to layout either my most visited websites or my most recent , (or both)

im surprised they didnt make a linux version, linux is in need of a good media player, vlc is great but for like syncing players i would prefer something like this

@Adam Pash: good call, fair argument, do we know if it was really the iran army or just some group claiming to them?

@arvinddeshpande: i think it will have wireless especially if its made by D-Link they just dont want to set it in stone

@r0ckstarferlife: when i say looked at i mean by company's not lifehacker viewers ;)

@DeadPenguin: I love that linux is finally looked at as an OS (even if google helped out a bit or at least will be)

@GldRush98: thats alot of stuff, was it all movies ?

@sygyzy: depends on the specs of the new box, and price, and i think that if the dedicated box is as big as the pic appeared i would want a lil ion box instead of the huge oddly angled boxee box

Does anyone know if the direct X switch changes anything on a Linux box, and is it more beneficial to run boxee on a windows PC versus a Linux PC because i know that Linux doesn't require much (sys req.) and but does Direct X acceleration outweigh that?

@UWAZell: what happened to the remote it works just fine for me?

@Buffet: im pretty sure its like high res like 720p formatting so far i have only seen VLC properly play it

how do you go through two droids already the phones only been out a couple months if that !

if the actual boxee icon lights up i may be interested ;)

@Orisue: haha thanks i figured this out like 20 minutes after i posted it, i was in internet protical 6 not 4

i get that the address in invalid whenever i try to change it windows (7) the ip's i tried to put in were and i think those seem kinda short but could someone help me out?

@jbashara: Your right, sorry didnt mean to offend, i mean THIS IS DUMB ! ;)

@PowerPatrick: haha i think so dont take it so seriously....and i would rather just have a window open with facebook + Chat rather then doing this, im sure im not the only one who thinks this