
Long for high speed stability, swoopy for ‘aero’ and lowest possible roofline for ‘aero’ will make for some odd shapes when you’re designing without a wind tunnel. :)


Ah, yeah - ok - makes sense now!

Thanks for posting that story.... I NEED TO GET OUT ON MY BIKE!! GAH!!

‘crossing does’ ?? Sorry - I can’t figure out what that is - is that a phone keyboard mistranslation?

Just did some checking... hmmm choices choices.....
Ferrari 365 GT /4 BB?

It is very hard to say - I agree.

Top box with (say) 6Kg (13lb), panniers with (say) 7kg (15lb)in each side. Total - 20 Kg at the rear and ‘outside’ extremes of the bike.

Came to ask the exact same question. For a bike like this, city range is almost irrelevant.

Even easier if you use a toothbrush to clean out the detritus. :)

What I came here to say!

Very glad to see that Logitech are still making these and providing “new” stock.

Now playing

There’s been “ambulance” bikes around for a while, and the kit is always getting smaller. The main aim for them is NOT to carry everything necessary, but just the absolute essentials to keep someone alive for the time it takes the proper ambulance to arrive - so a defib, and some other stuff - the primary item in the

“There is also a Rapid Responder model for EMS, fire and police to cut through traffic and arrive on scene quicker and easier, getting to places that traditional first responder vehicles can’t go.”

I’m not trying to be a big Ford shill here, but I have to say that I’m surprised no other automaker has decided to copy this! It seems pretty cheap to implement and useful”
Ford very likely ‘patented’ it, or made some other form of intellectual protection over the idea, like they (I think) did with heated front

Agreed - doesn’t matter how many gears a bike (or car) has, it’s fairly easy (if you’re at all used to a manual box, and if not, you soon will be), to know if it’s the ‘right’ gear.

My father had a Comet (the 500cc single) for a long time. I’m not sure why he had it as long as he did - we all disliked it! It was fast, yes, but that was the only good thing about it. It was unreliable, a pig to work on, heavy handling and had terrible brakes.

Mike Clay’s book “Cafe Racers” - I had a copy of that! Excellent read - some of the stories are hilarous.
I think I donated it a few years ago to the 59Club in London- somehow they didn’t have a copy.

Not sure to be honest - some bikes you lust after, but when ridden (what else are bikes for?) they disappoint. I’ve ridden big fast bikes (GSXR-1000, K1200R and S) and big power doesn’t really interest me any more - there’s less skill in riding a big bike fast than there is in riding a small bike rapidly,  to my mind

Yeah - that brake cylinder is f*cked. The rust spot (even sanded) will still affect the seal as the rubber on the piston passes over it and eventually it’ll damage the seal permanently.
Hope you can find a cheap replacement!