
BRB, putting “credit fundamentalist” in all my social media bios.

Except maybe that woman who was run over by a car and died because she was protesting a Nazi march.

You probably think the earth is round as well.

We saw this trailer before IT and my husband laughed his ass off. Seems like Franco has really nailed Wiseau.


This is as good a week place as any to leave this. I’ve been reading the AV Club for close to ten years. This new site is a travesty. I may return if things improve but for now, farewell.

I still think the best thing he ever did was the Clerks animated series. He needs to find something like that where he can just goof around until he’s inspired enough to make a film that doesn’t sound like something he made on a dare.

You remember how they used to post clickbait and then we’d have fun in the comments either ignoring the clickbait or mocking it?

Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?

The hammer scene is still one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen in a horror film. I love a good splatter flick, but one of my favorite things about TCM is how it feels horrifically violent while barely spilling a drop of blood. The sudden drop and violent convulsions in that scene are more effective than a

I feel like you think this is more critical of Hillary than it actually is?

Wow, these comments are fucking cancer. Kinja killed the A.V. Club.

Adjusted for population growth, the Republicans come out in the same numbers every four years. Democrats and the mythical “undecided” voters stayed home in 2016. The Bernouts, the third party voters and the dumbshits who stayed home gifted the election to Trump. For all Hillary’s faults, which are far fewer than the

Well, she’s not wrong.

“Howie Mandel” vehicle? I’m sorry, that was all Fred Savage. Howie was riding coattails!

Twist and tuck under.

so, the sandwich from Little Monsters?

Heartbreaker is excellent! Come Pick Me Up with Emmylou is my favorite.

I thought I just couldn’t find this and was getting irrationally upset. This is my favorite weekly thread. Don’t scare me like that, guys.