Another Internet Commenter

I may be dating myself a bit but I haven’t played a game online (at least, not with strangers) in years, but is it still the case that if a person has a feminine username/avatar that they’re basically opening themselves up to a ton of sexism/abuse/come ons, etc? I’d imagine that the sort of behavior I used to see

Every GTA I’ve placed since VC has had me getting more and more disappointed in the soundtrack. I love VC’s soundtrack - there were times I got in the game and just drove around just to listen to the music. I hope the next one has one that’s at least listenable... I think IV easily had the worst.

Capital One 360 (formerly ING Direct - RIP, you are missed). It was originally built around the person who saves money - when pre-recession interest rates were as awesome as 4.75% - so they have a ton of tools to that end. For example, you can create unlimited, named savings accounts and set up automatic transactions

Same here, combined with automatic contributions. We have a Household fund for house-related expenses and a car fund to cover insurance costs, maintenance costs and so on - with a minimum balance to match the cost of the insurance deductible. Finally, a general savings fund for mattress stuffing. Granted, the main

As someone who generally loves playing snipers in games, this has pretty much sold me on never playing Overwatch.

I also miss flight sims. This is the first I’m hearing of DCS World, but for the longest time, I’d go out there looking to see if there was anything new out there for flight sims and getting nada. Along those lines as well, I’d probably wet myself if anyone announced a sequel for X-Wing Alliance or the

High priority push notifications bypass Doze entirely if I recall correctly. What Doze does is aggregate scheduled activity so that things that your phone does on a schedule like performing backups or checking for updates are done during the same window so that your device isn’t constantly doing a million little

Oh, that’s not even the least of his micromanaging shenanigans, either... oh the stories I could tell.

Another litmus test I have is anything that claims to cure cancer. I guarantee that if anyone comes to you with a claim that that X cure cancer, it’s BS, and it seems like every flavor of crazy snake oil claim out there at one point has someone claim that it cures cancer. Magnets? Cancer! Reflexology? Cancer!

My boss at my last employer was like that too, combined with a culture that basically says “if you’re not freaking out and panicking when there’s a problem, you don’t care enough & aren’t working hard enough”. It even showed up in one of our (the whole team complained about it) quarterly reviews after a major system

Exactly. Chrome doesn’t autofill anything until you tell it to, and for CC info, you’re required to not only pick which card but enter the CCV code from the back of the card before it will do it. Yeah, maybe it can grab your email address or mailing address unnoticed but for everything else, this is a bit of a red

I was talking about the non-Chase card, but absolutely yes about the VISA one. I have a non-Amazon Chase card as well that also let you use the points directly on Amazon and they switched from 1-1 points to something like .8 points per point. They also didn’t offer their usual 5% rewards promotion for Amazon last

For what it’s worth, the non-VISA branded Amazon store card also has 5% cash back (as an instant credit to the account), if you don’t use the interest-free finance option for a purchase.

No kidding. There was an expose written here a while ago that while our local government whines and cries about water shortages and drought (and at the time we were getting several inches of rain on nearly a daily basis), the real reason we were short on water all the time is because the water system is so screwed up

Yep, it’s the same thing in my state. Certain funding is supposed to go towards education... instead, funding for schools and teachers shrinks while the governor increases the salary of himself and his cronies by huge margins. Gee I wonder where that money came from...

Your snark fails, DPS’s password only asks for forgiveness and makes no assumption that the forgiveness has been granted. :p

Yep. I work in IT, so it’s kind of par for the course, but you can tell when your manager respects you and your time and when they don’t. The example above, nitpicking us because someone was gone for slightly more than an hour for lunch when we were working 10 hours days at a minimum - which isn’t including the hours

...After that Overwatch article further down the page, I first assumed that they’d be ranked according to pornhub search results... I’ll just see myself out, thanks.

No kidding. At the last company I worked, our team got a lecture about our “contractually obligated 8 hours a day” from our boss because one of us was gone for an hour and 5 minutes on a lunch break the day before. Nevermind that he had already logged 45 hours that week 3 ‘work’ days in.

That is so important, too. Always be ready to walk out the door if they don’t play ball. They need your money. You don’t need to buy from them, there’s always another car at another dealership.