Another Internet Commenter

I just went to Google play and looked up the Vue app... and the option to install it to my SHIELD TV is there so yes, it does. I believe it was made available to all Android TV devices some months ago!

What’s with the weird demands for vacuum reviews from multiple accounts, one for cats and one for dogs??

What’s with the weird demands for vacuum reviews from multiple accounts, one for cats and one for dogs??

Ugh, as much as I love Netflix, it really is a case study of a company that keeps succeeding despite constantly making bad and sometimes just plain bizarre decisions. How many years has it been since they removed disc management from the main Netflix app? I don’t know, but I do remember that it was before the

Yeah, I did the same. Living in an apartment complex where the (outbound) mailboxes were too small for discs didn’t even discourage me... but the Qwikster thing killed it.

Haha, I love Google telling Cortana what to do. That certainly sounds powerful. I also didn’t know that there’s already tasker integration there. It’s getting more and more convincing. I got addicted to the Xbox’s voice commands and lately, I’ve been wishing I had them when the xbox isn’t on.

Now THAT sounds really cool! Dammit, the urge to buy one has increased... Are you using a Logitech hub to control the tv?

This goes along with a lot of my thinking as well, especially concerning Amazon’s activities. My main pause is with third party support - with Echo, I could write a recipe and use it. However, with google, it seems to be a lot more restricted:

<monotone>All hail the supreme leader</monotone>

How are you finding Google Home? I’ve been reading up on it lately, and it seems to be a bit limited, particularly for third-party application support - even their eventual plans sound like they’ll be less than ideal.

Meanwhile, some asshole just stole a game from Target, and some other misfortunate bystandar is getting jerked around.

Yep, tropes are that for a reason - there are basic bones to a good story, especially ones that hew close to reality (i.e. this applies less to sci-fi/fantasy, but even those genres tend to have common themes). “Unlikely hero saves the world” might be a story element that’s as old as humanity itself, but that doesn’t

I wouldn’t know generally, but when I was in college I was fairly sure that the women’s team could annihilate the men’s team. *shrug*

Ugh, this guy. I’m still mad that one of his songs was the first (human) music broadcast from Mars in human history instead of, oh I don’t know, ANYTHING else.

I’ve been out of the jRPG game for years and I’ve been wanting to jump back in. FF XV notwithstanding (I got a copy coming in today thanks to that crazy $35 sale Amazon did the other day), is there any one jRPG you guys recommend over others? Xbox One or PS4 only, I don’t have a Vita or a 3DS. I feel like a huge

My wife has only one, and she generally prefers not to carry it at all if she can get away with it (i.e., she has pockets). But I know that’s a bit unusual.

We thought that was the case when we bought it but there’s no actual pocket there. If we did that, it would just have a hole...

Yes, I’m usually the one carrying around my wife’s stuff in my pockets.

Single funniest thing I’ve read all day, bravo!