R Saldana [|Oo|======|oO|] - BTC/ETH/LTC Prophet

Looks like a dealer is about to learn that something is only worth what others are willing to pay. They’ve already paid more than the car is worth and so at the end of the day? They’re probably going to lose some serious cash on this one. Greed in its truest form...

I too enjoy the looks of a 550i M-sport with a six-speed but have heard some horror stories from early V8 E60s and BMW V8s in general enough to stay away. 

“Trump flew out to Iraq on Christmas evening, and landed this morning. He visited the Al Asad Air Base outside of Baghdad, where he spoke to a group of about 100 assembled U.S. troops, the majority of whom were members of the special forces.”

If you can hold off for another year, when the recession kicks in, I’d bet that the incentives will be decent. 

If you net $79K in most of California you are living with other people in a small apartment.  Our joint household is making in the 24% bracket and we are “comfortable” with our mortgage.  We would be destroyed by a major illness and have not had children because its entirely unaffordable. 

Hey, the tire worked until he gave it the Gaz.

There Yugo again with the bad puns.

That’s a Lada nails.

You see Ivan, tire cannot be of flat if it is made of puncture.

How is the GTI not on this list? Reliability?

“”Sounds like visibility will be decent, too; the A-pillar has been designed to minimize blind spots so that drivers won’t have to spend as much time craning around them to see to the left and right of the car.””

The NRA will have dick to say about this shooting; they think the 2nd amendment only applies to white people. 

you still get volvos... but wont be exporting them to china...

In case anyone new to the sport is wondering how to pronounce “recce”, it’s REK-ee

(abbv of reconnaissance :)

When asked about the possibility of selling a similar version of the 370Z, Nissan officials responded by saying “Wait, what the hell is a 370Z?”

He said he did it because they “love history and often dress the part of historical figures,” the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.

Man, Bring a Trailer is getting weird. 

They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.