R Saldana [|Oo|======|oO|] - BTC/ETH/LTC Prophet

Umm. Not blowing my eyeballs out when using my phone at night is by FAR the most valuable reason. And barely even mentioned here. It’s the most practical application by far, and absolutely legit. Must we shit on everything?

Even the gtr and 370z have been basically the same for almost a decade. Its really sad.

BS, Hamilton had only one more DNF than Rosberg.

9. An underrated F1 World Champion that beat L. Hamilton fair and square and M. Schumacher (ok not in his prime but still), 23 victories and 30 poles position (majority against Hamilton) and a GP2 champion.

Get Stinged

For everyone commenting about “lack of reliability”, these are the items that most likely go bad:

As a...ahem...Land Rover enthusiast, there is only one appropriate response:

This kind of stuff is why I’m here.

Nothing gets past me. Except weirdly, the spelling of the word “enhancing.

OH oh! Maybe Audi can sue next?

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

Oh, but she was Vicious Varicose Vein Vicky when she rolled up and jumped out though! “I’m gon’ get to GET me some n*##$”!

Yeah but there generally aren’t any consequences for shit like this. That miserable old buzzard just lost her little park job, that’s it. It’s not like she’s gonna face charges for pointing a gun at those people and driving them out of the park. She should. Anyway, as long as there aren’t any real consequences for

When will racists get it? You’re on camera now sweetie, the world can see your Christian heart for what it really is.

My name is Matt Novak and I like paying an extra 3% on everything I buy because only Visa and Mastercard are real money.

Matt, perhaps you need to reevaluate the lesson.

Thanks for the completely unbias journalism Matt. By your logic nobody should invest in things that have crashed. Buy high, sell low should be the motto, right? We need to just do away with the stock and housing market too. They've crashed and there is nothing backing them.

I have a constant problem with strange criminals showing up and doing unwanted yard work on my front lawn.  It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to hire a full time good guy with a rake to keep them away!