R Saldana [|Oo|======|oO|] - BTC/ETH/LTC Prophet

A continuous record of data that secures itself as information is added. As a new block of data is added to the list (chain) it is encrypted and a new checksum of the entire stream of data is created.

Wow, you bought into the corporate cool-aid hook line and sinker didn’t you.

Bitcoin is something new and scary. Of course Gawker hates it.

What’re you talking about “down 41% for the month”? Bitcoin was trading around $10,500 on December 1. It dropped down around $11,000 earlier today (which is still UP for the month), and it’s back to $13,000 plus as of now. If you want to go a full month back, it was trading around $8,000 on November 22nd.

You’re basically describing stocks here.

“True believers” are going to buy more and more and more. People must understand that those who believe in Cryptocurrency sincerely believe that it’s the future of all money. And most newcomers to the game (if they have done their due diligence researching and understanding at least general concepts about trading on

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

1 less RS to blow a head gasket


Horsepower is a great thing. It helps cars move

I thought the same thing about bitcoin when I sold 32 of them for $3,000 5 years ago. Which I could just as easily have sold for $300,000 today.

Is this article from 2011? Because I bought Bitcoin at $2 in 2011 and have been seeing articles like this for 6 years now. Sure.... don’t buy and Bitcoin.

Oh look! HamNo STILL doesn’t understand cryptocurrency, and STILL has a platform to pretend like his ignorance and stupidity is, in some way, relevant. Given HamNo and Gawker, I’m not surprised.

“There’s nothing to stop whoever maintains your Bitcoin ‘wallet’ from stealing all your Bitcoins...”

“ Just what the hell is this thing going to be doing in the next five years?” 

What? Someone will pay $20K for that POS but not $21K for a brand new Journey?

Oh deah! (clutching mah pearls)

I had been a little “meh” about the F Type....but then I saw and heard one in person. I had a happy.