
R is more civilized and low key, but very fast, also fairly comfortable with DCCS set to comfort. RS is bonkers, loud, and attracts a lot of attention. So it depends on what you want. I got a GTI instead of an ST because I wanted to “blend in” a bit and wanted something more “relaxed” when I wasn’t flogging it.

Verification will usually require a creditor or collections agency to respond back much quicker than a direct dispute.I had an account in collection on Equifax that I didn’t recognize and didn’t make much sense. Went online and requested more information by filing for verification and it was taken off my Credit Report

What’s the difference in the process? When I dispute something I do so online and it’s pretty simple. Click what you want to dispute and submit. A month later I get an email saying it’s ready for me to view. Would the verification be even simpler? Or just faster?

I agree with most of these things, especially if you’re a beginner or starting to crawl into the “intermediate” sphere.

The only caveat I would add is to the last tip about committing. I agree that it’s mostly a mental thing and you need to be focused and committed to going through as far as you can with the lift

Why do you hate Germany Tom

Whoever invented autoplay should be taken out and flogged in the public square.

Sports Illustrated’s recent redesign is my new public enemy number one for this. They have auto-play videos on almost every page now. The videos are Flash, so my Flash blocker already stops that, but the audio portion of the video is HTML5 somehow, so I end up with a blocked video that still plays audio. I just added

Surprised Moto didn’t go dual with the Hint that came out in 2014

Surprised Moto didn’t go dual with the Hint that came out in 2014

I hear the UK have been pretty happy to have finally got rid of that unfunny twat.

Okay that’s pretty cool. I’m looking forward to telling Siri to play something on my Sonos

Game winning three goal through the football crevice. Nothing like it.