
You imbecile. They basically guarantee that you don’t die nor need a hospital bed. They’re working for their intended function. 

85-90% of those being hospitalized currently have not been vaccinated. Please tell me how vaccinations don’t work? Do you understand statistics? My sister is fully vaccinated and did get COVID recently. She’s not in a hospital and felt mildly ill for a couple of days because her immune system knew how to respond.

Wow. Were you one of the Trump supporters booing him the other day for telling people to get vaccinated? Do you understand statistics? It shouldn’t be a political thing.

85-90% of those being hospitalized currently have not been vaccinated. Please tell me how vaccinations don’t work? My sister is fully vaccinated and did get COVID recently. She’s not in a hospital and felt mildly ill for a couple of days because her immune system knew how to respond.

Wow, the antivaxxers are out in spades on your thread here. And I hate that, before I expanded the thread, they were the *only* ones showing up. Then I “see all discussions” and suddenly only a few are at the top, the rest are pushed down.

Amen, great post. Hope your mom has a speedy recovery - being admitted that far away and the over-burdened hospital systems surely aren’t helping the situation. It is so so stupid that this has become a political topic - like even Trump himself getting booed at this point for asking people to get vaccinated. 

One of my friends, a man with nearly 35 years of medical experience (he has one of those “M.D.” thingies at the end of his name), caught COVID not long into the pandemic, around May of last year. He got pretty sick, spent some time in the ER. His brother, who was in extremely good physical health (he ran in IronMan

No vaccine “prevents” getting a disease. They are to prime the immune system to prevent the disease from progressing to the point it damages you. They are the smoke detector and fire extinguisher system set-up guys that react when an arsonist is trying to burn your house down. There’s still a fire; that still happens.

Looking at the actual statistics collected by reputable organizations - i.e., not your aunt on Facebook between shilling for her home-based essential oils reseller - the vast majority of infections and deaths are non-vaccinated people, and the highest COVID infection rates are in the states with the lowest vaccination

You’re a fucking idiot. We just got over a Covid outbreak at work; out of 7 employees, guess who the only person who didn’t contract Covid was?

Yeah, Patrick’s not wrong that (currently) the vaccination rate in the black population is less than the rate in the white population... it just doesn’t support any of his conclusions. He said “biggest group” which is not a statement about rates. It’s a statement about size. And the biggest group, by size, of

I Do Not Love America

As Theodore DeReese Pendergrass once said: 'It's so good loving a country when your country loves you back.' I'll

Behold the Queen

U.S. Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry will neither bend nor break to the whims of white supremacy.

I spent 15 years working in social services. The amount of hatred towards the poor is absolutely amazing. “They have a cell phone!” Well yeah, they need a phone to do basically anything in today’s world. How can they take calls from work to cover a shift, how can they take calls about job interviews, how can they