This would more or less be my preference, as well—a TC that’s rated to tow a modest amount, but one of these small pickups would probably do almost as well.
This would more or less be my preference, as well—a TC that’s rated to tow a modest amount, but one of these small pickups would probably do almost as well.
I’d be interested. I hate big trucks, hate how they drive, hate the fuel use, won’t pay the absurd prices they want for even a vehicle that I like, never mind something I don’t. Why would I prefer this to a CUV? I can stand bikes up in the back in bed racks a lot easier than messing with taking them apart to fit…
I current own a Transit Connect. If they made a Transit Connect “Outback” with more ground clearance, I’d probably just get one of those. But since they don’t, small trucks appeal over a crossover for me because:
4th Gear: The U.S. Needs To Get To Work On Cutting Emissions
Would their “slow, sad wind down into automaker nothing” make them a Mitsubishi Zero?
Mass transit advocates have been obsessed with high-speed rail as long as I can remember, but may I suggest more streetcars and buses instead.
Unless Diess is a total idiot, he’s got it entirely backwards. What he should fear are not cash- and valuation-rich companies buying their way into his market, what he should fear is Toyota continuing to do what it has done for decades, to great success:
I agree. But...
If we were being honest about automotive manufacturing, then we’d probably have different discussions about what actually happened here.
As usual, a huge disconnect on logic tends to be happening.
Neutral: Where Is Our €15bn?
In theory, I can agree with you somewhat, but...
So I guess this comment comes in a little late at #115 and maybe nobody will ever read it but I want to take time to applaud Rory and the staff at Jalopnik, including editors and management, for this article. We (I) complain about the Kinja problems, the overwhelming ads and the slide shows, but when it comes down to…
This is a car site, and this thread is a highly political one with a very thin connection to cars. But, since the topic was brought up...
Perfect post. Hopefully all the gaslighters will take a look and reflect.
People always misuse the “bad apple” analogy. It doesn’t imply that there are just one or two bad elements and that’s it. The actual phrase says one bad apple will spoil the entire barrel.
Amen, brother, preach on.
I’ma go out on a limb here and predict you’re going to get lots of petulant, pissy pushback for this post from Jalops who think you shouldn’t be political.