My advice:
My advice:
2nd Gear: America, Doing Next To Nothing To Make Roads Safe For Pedestrians, Wonders Why Pedestrian Deaths Continue
Sure, these bold patriots were ready to roll against tryanny (sic). Surely their nalenable (sic-cer) capacity to demonstrate what they stood for was not to be denied.
Ok. Slowly and clearly.
This is just a new brand getting into the market— the MS Beluga Skysails is a cargo ship that’s been running with a kite since 2007.
I just make the browser window narrow enough that the content changes to mobile view and all of the slides just show up on one page.
Demand hasn’t risen
Precisely the opposite- Trump specifically asked the Saudis and the Russians to cut oil production back in 2020:
I recall in Trump’s America when the shelves were emptied of toilet paper. Why did Trump do that? I recall in Trump’s America that covid would not come here. Then 400,000 people died of covid. Why did Trump do that? And Trump freed 5,000 captured Taliban combatants and a Taliban General to lead them and they freed the…
Humans are inherently lazy, and will get bored and/or complacent. If a driver has to constantly monitor the car and be ready to respond to an event, then there is no point in a self-driving car to begin with. In addition, relying on the car to do most of the work will result in drivers being unfamiliar with the…
You must be one of those Tesla fanboys that owns the stock but not the car. I own a Model 3 and if you did, you’d know how easy it is for this to happen. The car requires a significant amount of torque on the steering wheel to exit out of autosteer/FSD. After that it does back to steering normally. So you have to be…
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
How will these trucks be titled as far as year of manufacture?
Do you think it would be cool if a company came out with a car called “The Jew?” Or that it wouldn’t be bizarre if Jeep’s next crossover was called “The Korean?”
The 6 cyclists’ attorneys have a good write-up about the accident and how they’re proceeding.
Stick-on fake scoops are an abomination.
Really Jalopnik? You guys already posted this a few days ago. Seriously, is there anything you won’t do to gain a few more clicks?
The sad truth is that almost anything GM does, they find a way to fuck it up. They pull defeat from the jaws of certain victory, and will stop at nothing to ensure that the detractors are always right about them.