
The guy singing the anthem for the Lions/Falcons game knelt when he sang the last note and raised his fist.

Agreed completely. The problem is that things change, whether they like it or not. And they don’t like it. Not one bit. And they’re intolerant, unforgiving, and armed. What they haven’t quite figured out yet, though, is 2A applies to everyone, including the progressives who can see which way this particular wind is

When you examine the origins of America it makes perfect sense, the entire colonization of the Western Hemisphere has been about advancing white supremacy. “Liberty and justice for all” has always meant wealthy land-owning white men, everyone else just gets what the white patriarchy decides to hand out which aint shit

He’s “uniting”—i.e., propagandizing the worldview of—the only Americans who matter: Real Americans. Everyone else doesn’t really belong here anyway.

They’re just acting like sportsball fans, eternally doubling down and refusing to abandon Their Team, because to do otherwise would be admitting that they made a mistake in judgment. Now they’re double proud to stick up for the loser that everyone else hates. Nevermind that life is not a sportsball contest, and

eh... i think they might be on to something...

I’m not sure this is an escalation. Seems more like they are just trying to avoid the issue entirely. Tomlin never says in that clip that he supports anything other than avoiding distractions.

OMG, people. Natural organic peanut butter. Ingredient: Peanuts. That right, just peanuts. Only peanuts.

How do you get your owner to take a bath?

This can’t be for real - and if it is it can’t be healthy. So, now you have a happy clean dog who’s going to have the sh*ts for days because he was licking a soapy shower wall for 30 minutes?

You should be brushing your dog’s teeth on a regular basis.

and, of course i must ask

I think we’re fresh out of high road. No, scratch that, we’ve been out for a while now.

I guarantee you’re gonna see a drastic increase in anthem protests at tomorrow’s NFL games. I’m hoping an overwhelming contingent of nba players start doing it too

I hope sports teams everywhere do this - particularly college football and basketball. That is like, the ultimate black athletes performing for the benefit of white people situation. If white college football fans had to deal with this they’d lose their fucking minds.

Goddamn this man is gonna give me a fucking aneurysm before I’m 25.