Redacted...I forgot I had been Banned from The Root
(As I have apparently been dismissed and then banned from and by the root)
Thank you; and your suggestion is a pear(y) - pear(y) good idea:
Your brilliant words “a decrepit little pissant scumlicker diddlyboob” deserve a suitable image, so here-ya-go (picture from here):
Ever-So-Sweetly Off-Topic:
I received a most-nice gift box of (not-your-everyday green) pears and was wondering if they (the pears) might work just-as-well-as apples in a typical apple pie recipe. Your thoughts would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
You know who also has a lot of “hollow gesture” words...
Dolt45 has them words, the ones that are meaningless lies, just like RK’s.
Thank you Monique, for sharing that most-fine Michelle magic.