
Did someone tell fat ass that Steph wasn’t going? Better yet does dumb fuck know that Steph has already been to The WH & met a real leader?

There was an episode of Mad Men when Betty Draper went to see her father who was getting senile/Alzheimers and he mistook her for his wife and grabbed her ass and complimented her boobs. How many times during the day does that happen with Donald and Ivanka?

I know, me too! It threw me for a loop.

He shakes his wife’ hand...

I am not a doctor but I really, truly, not-trying-to-be-funny believe he has dementia. Ivanka’s fake senior adviser job is cover for “she’s the one who handles his sundowning the best so she needs to be close by.”

That blue blood in his blue-blood upbringing was oxygen deprived, and the lifetime fueled by shitty food, and spent on maintaining an image of intelligence and business savvy, instead of actually developing the ability to learn things, did nothing for him. He is, has always been, and will die a fucking moron.

You know that Ivanka moved to DC to cover for him. I bet the knows he is not literate and protected him. His wife barely speaks English and her native country snarked about this in an ad on their highway. I always wondered why he had his two ex wives sign off on not talking about their marriages to him. Let ask for

Did you leave “this morning” out of that headline?

Good people, smart people… Someone should look into that…

I’m guessing dyslexic.

Stop dissing Nambia! It’s beautiful this time of year when the covfefe’s in bloom…

I think he is reading at a 4.5 to 5.5 grade level. He is old enough that he didn’t necessarily need to learn how to read better.

I’ve seen high school freshmen read presentations, and he sounds just like that. Minimal practice, and he’s clearly saying the words at the same time he’s reading them (rather than reading ahead of his speaking).

The video at number 2 may have given me an aneurysm. Or....maybe I just hope it did and it’s just a regular nosebleed and I am still trapped in the darkest timeline.

Technically a second grader is “literate”. So can Trump read? Technically he must be able to. But that doesn’t mean he has a literacy comparable to anything beyond a 2nd grade level.

He clearly can’t read. He struggles to read very clearly or remember the next line of a speech, very clearly reading word for word from a teleprompter on either side of him.

That video about what he does to fix his mistakes was alarming. It makes him sound dumber than if he just fessed up and corrected himself.

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Samantha Bee was making fun of Conspiracy Theorists when she asked the same question... but it looks like she may have been on to something!

Trump struggles with basic humanity.