Thank you Michael, this “Prince(ly)“ posting is simply delicious...
So it took two minutes for the manager to: (1) Find her purse in the back room (2) Rifle through it to locate her gold iPhone and then (3) Drag that bastard out and (4) Call 911. Appears that as soon as these two most-fine gentlemen walked in, she immediately made the decision to call the police. Nice!
Based upon his current exposures, one would think that MDC has other things to concern himself with...
RS: Your link to the fine products provided by the esteemed Ryan&Joyce-Ryan Funeral Homes & Cremation Services was truly uplifting. Their obituary words and imagery for this simple terrorist were insightful and easy to read. Thanks.
So we have innocents injured and worse from the recent gas attack; can anyone explain how a missile strike will help the injured?
No, I do not think her (Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor) old, noting that the interwebbs list the day of her coming out (of the womb) as 7 November 1996. However, I did find the image she posted along with the caption she chose as both rude and insensitive.
Just my take: No one (especially not a female singer) would ever post such an image (not ever, not ever). Also, I seriously doubt she could have posed, shot, and then posted that photograph by herself; so she had it done and then spent time considering the results. Now, she is hopefully reaping negative attention.
Be quick; because I’m already nearby that brown-liquor cabinet.
It might be very interesting and well-served (in very small portions) to detail the history of the dim sum; including both the cooking method as well as the typical presentation over the years. I would clearly be “steamed” to read such things.