Now that’s just faille-sille.
Penzeys Spices also sells very cute empty jars with labels you can write on.
If police shootings (of civilians or other police officers) were to be declared a federal crime (somehow), then whenever a police officer shoots a civilian or another police officer, that (federal crime) shooting would be investigated by a special branch of the FBI. Perhaps this (new) threat of federal prosecution…
Stout words by Monique Judge:
“There needs to be a federal investigation into every police shooting...”
I agree and would vote for such a logical law to be passed and then strictly enforced all over this country, immediately.
I have tried several times to make a cake in my Cuisinart (electric) pressure cooker, but it has always turned out as a soggy-in-the-middle mess which I then forced myself to consume as if it were an actual fluffy cake. Perhaps you OR one of your minions might could offer suggestions?
Bark-bark-bark, bark-bark! Five cutely smiling doggers were awarded to Michael Arceneaux for use of his new term “Lil Vanderbilt” in reference to Anderson (Vanderbilt)Cooper.
The only way I might submit to that Red Lobster entree would be to order a double set of those beautiful buttermilk-battered and fried lobster tails sitting upon a freshly made and very crispy plain buttermilk waffle whereupon I might slather my own portioning of warm maple syrup while consuming a flagon or two of…
At your work luncheon: Side-eyeing was good; also, just be durn-glad you were not sipping that oddly-colored iced tea...
A Thought:
As our VP (what’s his name?) does not seem to be very busy (these days), why not incorporate the Chief of Staff duties into the VP duties? Now this would save money and consolidate work efforts and dolt45 would have one less oddball to oversee...this works for me.