
I shan’t engage in this silly to-and-fro
However, I would clearly give Mo’Nique the dough
I know she don’t rule the show, but she can surely grow
So let’s all go along with the flow and-and tell Netflix to blow

I had your same question; Neo Haibane Renmei might(?) be referring to this, by way of his line: Narcissists totally get off on pain.

Hello M. Judge. Inquiring minds are wondering: Now was that Forbes magazine rolled-up tightly OR was it held flat, and was it a monthly edition OR was it a much thicker yearly supplement? And for those extra bonus points: (1) Was the whackee standing-up OR was he bent over, and (2) perhaps you might tell us how many

I’m invoking my aged engrams as this took more ponderance than necessary; however, I finally understood. Appreciations, and nicely done AT.

I’m not him [blpppt (Pat D.)], and I may never sleep again!

Why not use the wall we already have? All we need do is move the entire southern U.S. border southward to encompass all of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama (just to the south side of the Panama Canal). This would serve-to-save all monies proposed for that stoopid

Why not use the wall we already have? All we need do is move the entire southern U.S. border southward to encompass all of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama (just to the south side of the Panama Canal). This would serve-to-save all monies proposed for that stoopid

If daisies are your favorite flower
Keep pushing up those miles-per-hour
Burma-Shave :: for the facial scour-power

I do not have the pot so instant
I do have the Cuisinart of pressurant
I keep my ring clean with your vinegar-rant
I am now ready for pressure and so stink resistant

Your image made me hungry so I image-searched in hopes of discovering the goodness (therein). The GoogleFolks rewarded me with a single word:

I agree; except, he doesn’t appear to have the stamina (for that).

Please (someone) create a nice and rich red wine infused minimally-spiced but thick base, sauce, or gravy. Very-lightly saute a good grouping of large-sized cubes of beef in a (sorta) deep casserole dish. Pour off any excess drippings. Minimally cover beef bits with sauce mixture, and then sprinkle on a can (or so) of

(1) He doesn’t have the professional appearance of a real doctor
(2) He doesn’t seem (to me) to fit with anyone iq45 would associate
(3) He doesn’t look very current nor competent; he does appear clownish
(4) He doesn’t help himself in that he was iq45's father’s personal physician

Opinion (mine): DLemon is not worth a single discussional; however, your words: “to read his acceptance speech for the Rachel Dolezal “Nah, nigga” lifetime achievement award” is not only worthy, but simply magnificent. Edit: Please enclose a few extra ballots.