
Possible Key to Immigration Problem Situation: Might it be said (then), that the only “true” response would be to simply and immediately deport 45, his entire family, and all of his appointees, including that Pence-person (and his family, as well) to the Island of Rikers, not far from New York City. In this very way,

This “so-called” Voter Fraud Commission - was, is, and shall always be way more fraudulent than 45 [and we know that’s simply not possible, as nothing could ever be more corrupt than 45, himself].

Smoke will instantly become flames and fire if ever the public receives actual financial disclosures from and about Putin and his ugly little friend.

At least they’ll be punished: “Ferguson said both Hansen and Durkin will be placed on the ineligible-for-rehire list.

45 and his entire administration will shall go down in (immediate) history as the absolute worst-of-the-worst to ever worst, ever. He is a stupefyingly imbecilic moron, as is all of his family plus his entire (appointed) administrative team (all of them). I surmise that indications could be found that he actually

Not sure what he drinks (perhaps it is brandy?), but those anywhere near him know (by the smell of big tobacco) that he does like his Camels.

You are correct; so now here he is actually “pulling” his own horn...

I am having great difficulty seeing any difference between these images...

I find it very-very sad, indeed, that a person in her position has broken the law and abused her courtly status in a fashion to which she has admitted, to wit: “In a letter to the commission, Green acknowledged many of her misdeeds, and admitted to abusing drugs “almost every night” for several years, according to

Based strictly on the crime that placed him behind bars, my inner sense tells me that he has been incarcerated long enough, and therefore will(should) be granted his freedom at the upcoming parole hearing.

...for your response - it’s very much appreciated - now I know!

Just VPN’n Off-Topic: Say a person installed a particular VPN at home on one specific computer...and then installed a second (and different) VPN on the same computer...and then (even) installed a third (also different from the previous two) VPN on the same computer, would they yield three different outgoing “views” to

I can understand Mr. Kasowitz’s brash style as well as his choice of curse words; however, I am stymied by his blast: “I’m Jewish.” How does this religious admittance fit within the framework of his ugly tirade towards a total stranger?

Hey CMOP: Do you really think this, this spot right here, is the proper place for your silly spoutage? I say it’s not. And further...

What if I buy you out, then change the name to: Williams Street Journal

Sadly, Alan Colmes passed away last February...