
What are they hoping he’ll coach/coordinate?

How does it feel to know your wife could not only out-drink you, but also take a table spot better than you and beat you at dizzy bat?

-John, I’ve composed a great melody but I’m struggling with the lyrics. Have a look at this?

I’m struck my his insistence that he would never harm a child.  I do think he believes he never harmed these boys.  That they loved him, and physically responded to him.  Therefore, it wasn’t wrong.  It was only the small minded who couldn’t see that these were loving relationships.  I do think he believed that.  Its

kinda boring why

How’s work?

Buckets. That’s what you need. This young man gets it. Get out there and let it fly. Bombs away young fella. Go get those buckets. It’s friday for God’s sake 

To Mickelson’s credit, his daughter was the valedictorian of her HS class. There was plenty of fuss made over him dropping out of the US Open in 2017 because he wanted to attend her graduation instead.

Witnesses described the man as “funny lookin.”

Authorities just released a photo of the two guys William H. Macy met with to start this process:

So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”

MacLean later clarified: “I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride, nothing touched me deep inside, the day Robert Traylor died.”

Brown also raised eyebrows by referring to the Last Chance U director as the new Riefenstahl.

In Kentucky? Absolutely nothing.

+1 uncomfortable fake-orgasm

Top Ten Answers:

Wow, when was the last time you saw an Arkansas coach fail to take the high road?

I’ve read that lede four times and I still have no idea who plays for whom or who that coach coaches.

They didn’t really give up, though. If Tech is supposed to just dribble out the clock, the defenders need to leave him alone. Instead, four of those five Baylor players are out there trying to prevent the inbounds and hassling the ball-handler. It’s half-assed at best, of course, but they’re doing it nonetheless.