shit man the banjo was created in africa. bluegrass, country, blues...these styles were developed by poor people, share a genesis, and would not exist without people of color.
shit man the banjo was created in africa. bluegrass, country, blues...these styles were developed by poor people, share a genesis, and would not exist without people of color.
he should have just called for one of those giant ass eagles. lazy motherfuckers.
that looks like some of that elvish rope.
I take the plain soylent and put about a teaspoon of chocolate syrup in that bitch and it’s so good.
I take the plain soylent and put about a teaspoon of chocolate syrup in that bitch and it’s so good.
i’ve run a ton of velcro over the years. my favorite cabling experience happened when i was about 23. we spent a day pulling cables and getting shit tight. the next day another business unit came in and diarrhea’d all over our racks. we came back on sunday to wrap things up and i got to see a good ole boy from…
FUCK YES i haven’t seen this since it happened.
i have feeling a lot of shit will be declassified on the fly going forward.
“cheating in basketball? INCONCEIVABLE!”
in like 96 there was a really interesting discussion on about listening to shows with earplugs in. one guy in particular tried it out and within a week a whole crowd of people were trying it out. then like half the board called him hitler and i forget the rest it was the internet though you know how…
i think it’s possibly my favorite rendition of our national anthem.
you forgot the *ROLL TIDE* tag at the end.
Previously from White County...
my dad took it to another level. he’s got a fixed location in the front yard now with double lights and a flag pole. he has two stakes in the ground where he can replace his jesusified hand-painted signs...there’s one for every holiday of course.
absolutely and i’ll defer to the greater body of knowledge. i was just surprised to see a subject matter expert appear in the comments section like that. i expect a BASTION OF JOURNALISM like deadspin to seek out those sources before going to print. or uh, whatever the fuck it is you do now.
what an incredibly specific kinja username lol
I grew these last summer for the first time. I didn’t have a huge harvest, but being able to run over and skewer a handful just before dropping steaks on the grill was super fucking cool.
just a silly observation, but the kid who’s fighting for the ball right before the shot is released...he looks like a baller before the ball goes up, he’s playing hard and he’s aggressive. the moment the ball goes in the hole he looks like a lost 15 year old. damn...
goddammit i’ve never wanted to talk shit to an animal before, but now...
band of gypsies is the best power trio of all time.