That’s one of the best ones. The zoom out really makes it.
But how weird is it that I have “favorites” of this?
That’s one of the best ones. The zoom out really makes it.
But how weird is it that I have “favorites” of this?
That would jeopardize the finality of all readings.
Were I you, I wouldn’t spend one more goddamned second wondering what to do about us. White people sure don’t worry about you - at least not until you take the time to write like this. Then, they might choose to contemplate how it makes them feel.
The only important thing is what I can see as a European. An American…
This is what happens when you don’t read Nietzsche.
Good luck with that.
- your brain
He’s only thinking of Hitchcock. Ozu, Satyajit Ray, and Renoir (and some, like a mutual friend of ours, would say Dreyer and Bresson) are fully the equal of Hitchcock and don’t hypersexualize the camera, for which the “male gaze” is a moronic and crude substitute phrase.
Mizoguchi, for that matter, is sometimes accused…
Anybody know if the cheese is actually good? I might not make many friends on this board, and I’ll bet I’m (a) poorer and (b) hate this fucking crap more than anybody, but I do easily spend more than $300 on cheese per month.
Caveat: I lived in Paris after college, one time I woke up realizing not only was I dreaming…
To be fair, she is translating from the NT Greek, where tense is also an indicator of mood, and where the future perfect is formed by periphrasis.
Gives new meaning to the “double bind.”
She does get a Grammy nom for Best Appropriation of Vocal Fry.
“Even The Sound of Music has Nazis!” - Stanley Kubrick
Yes. For $2.99, they’ll store the ones and drop the zeros.
Yes. For $2.99, they’ll store the ones and drop the zeros.
I wonder why on earth your comment is “pending approval.”
I wonder why on earth your comment is “pending approval.”
They’re both smarter than average, and they have great and specialized taste in film, music, etc. They’re struggling with substance abuse issues.
For fans of the humanities this is an optimistic article, but it’s recursive; links only link to back the site that hosts the links.
Any actual evidence that correlates writing skills, emotional intelligence, or familiarity with Faulkner and hiring practices? I’ve seen none, and I’ve been around the block.
But the major issue is advertising. As much as I resist the simplicity of marketing as thought control (I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world that Citibank gives us bikes, and the broad satire of Infinite Jest’s “year of the diaper” is one of the many reasons I dislike Wallace), the triumph of psychological…
Wow, the eleventh arrondissement has really changed.
And don’t forget the stormtroopers, simple working-class folk with as much interest in the dark side as an ewok.
With all due respect to Andrew, with a name like that, what did he expect?
I don’t think it’s weird either. It’s an account compelling in its honesty, which by its very nature won’t exactly be Wuthering Heights.
Actually, I think the succinct disavowal of possessiveness expressed in Evellina’s paragraph is even better than the article.