
Playing in the UK and having some peaceful, easy login periods but now terrified of proper launch in Europe :(

Like others have said, if people in whatever FC you decide to join are friendly (and in this game, the playerbase in general are quite friendly), someone will probably come with you.

Thing is, some level 60 players can run it with you ‘undersized’ (so you’ll only need 3, 4 people instead of 8) so there’s a good chance

This, I wanna know this too. VLR in Europe was Japanese only and I quite liked it. Not that I have a problem with American dubs but I’d find it quite jarring imo to go to English for this one.

This is the absolute worse time to be skint.

Never before have I been more salty because I’m unable to afford a game. Finally, a reason to be happy this is a niche series because spoilers won’t be everywhere like say, GoT or a Bioware game.

If you’re a VN fan and you’ve never played this series, you owe it to yourself

I’ve been into ASMR for a while now (MassageASMR being my king, what a fab channel) but never really thought about gaming based before.

3.3 was/is more fun than most of what I saw on E3 imo. Some fantastic content and Ozma/Steps of Faith v2 are some of the coolest fights in the series.

I feel like I’ve spent nearly every waking hour on FF14, for the last 18 months, and barely scratched 3000 hours.

5200 on a single player game is impressive. Good on you for getting so much fun and value out of a £40 game!

PC Mustard Race who’s all ‘meh’ because my modded to hell version is all pretty already, buuuut I’m pleased for console fans of Skyrim nonetheless.

I’d be a little more hyped considering I’ll get it for free but I’m horrifically lazy and the idea of resorting mods sounds horrid.

Don’t worry about it, I loved DA2 even with its flaws. If I crave Dragon Age it’s usually the one I go replay. Favourite cast and favourite romance in the DA series, and I also dig the whole ‘story focused on one small area over 10 years’ instead of big epic map-spanning journey you get with lots of other RPG games.


Was DAI for you like, ‘okay this is fun’ for the first bit, ‘oh wow this is really cool!’ when you got the fortress, and then after that it was kinda like...meh?

Like cool, another big new map with pretty much the same kind of goals. Oh look, old character yay! And then more boring bits?

I loved the party and their side

Funny you should mention town-builders because at heart that’s my all-time favourite genre, and you’re right. I see a lot of buildy-type games that I wanna try but ultimately ‘release’ and still get lukewarm or shit scores.

I think the only two in that kind of genre that I’ve supported and am satisfied with is Folk

I think I must be pretty good at picking out Early Access games because all the ones I’ve tried so far have been incredibly fun even when unfinished, with lots of content (most recently I’ve been loving Shoppe Keep and I forget it’s EA at times).

I think Early Access is a pretty good system even if it’s helping the dev

Really fascinating article and one about a topic I’d never really even thought about before. I knew a lot of work went into the ‘puffery’ of E3 demos but I didn’t realise just how scripted they were.

It’s also interesting to see how tense it is for those who made them. For us I suppose a crash or fuckup during a demo

Gamers are a funny folk.

They’ll crow about ‘censorship’ and yet demanding this review be revoked because they disagree with it is essentially mob censorship.

Thing is, X-2 is ATB and probably one of the faster systems in the series, and yet at 30fps on PC it’s still absolutely fine and looks lovely.

I really don’t get all the fuss about it for games like this.


Whilst I still think traversing over sooooo much space gets tiring, RDR really did have a pretty world...I also really love the architecture in that period of time in America so I loved all the towns and stuff.

If we’re on R* at the moment, I should mention how much I loved the world in Bully. It was small enough not

GTAV was the only one I finished (and really, REALLY enjoyed) because I got into the story, the characters and quite enjoyed the ‘centre’ bit of the map. In earlier games I did enjoy the stories and stuff too but the missions quickly bored me and I was never really into the whole Grand Theft Auto-ing myself.

But the

I would’ve poured shitloads of money into this if I wasn’t so confused about the PC version (do figures work? do you just buy online codes? was it still supported? I heard conflicting reports)

Still, even though I never played it it always looked like a really fun franchise. Really sad to see stuff like this fall and

How do you even define open world? If it’s like, big open space like MGSV/AC/GTA, I kinda agree with you. But if it’s simply a game world interconnected without ‘levels’ or loading or stuff, I’d say Dark Souls pulls off ‘open world’ incredibly well.

In any case, I’m bored of the kind of ‘open world’ where you have to