But Micheal Mando has been on the opening credits for the last two weeks as well, so I just assume it's for the whole main cast whether they're in the ep or not? So I wouldn't be too worried about those!
But Micheal Mando has been on the opening credits for the last two weeks as well, so I just assume it's for the whole main cast whether they're in the ep or not? So I wouldn't be too worried about those!
No, please, we don't want him back.
Oh no, you did something with a potion didn't you?
Church of Vows! It should bring the npcs you killed back so hopefully no ng+ needed! :D
Nonary Games is one of my absolute *favourite* series, and I just finished Gnosia last night. These two being omitted but 12 Minutes being on the list is baffling indeed.
Feeling that too from the UK. My copy of Demon’s Souls is on the shelf...taunting me..
Absolutely. It’s got the same sense of humour as the Broken Sword games which helps balance the kinda dark themes. It’s relatively short too, you can do it in an afternoon with a guide if you wanted to. Plus it’s been legally free on PC for ages so you should really give it a go.
I was gonna kick off if Shadowbringers wasn't on here, where a good part of the feels comes from people seeing the first night skies in a very, very long time.
A few more hours and chapters in, I can at least confirm that the starting area is a LOT more fun to play about in now once you have a bigger selection of toys to play about with! I think everyone appreciates every bridge set up along that annoying river.
I can’t remember if there were any other stops between the wind farm and CH3, but it's the next 'big' place south of the distro centre east of the wind farm.
Not as far as I know but don’t take my word. The boyf checked a spoiler-free guide for trophies and says nothing in CH2 is missable for those. It’s incredibly limited in any case so I doubt they would give missable sidequests at that point with the tiny number of delivery spots.
We've been playing on hard and taking it slowly and maybe got there in about 10 hours? But if you rush it and carry only the main mission gear, there's no reason you can do it faster, cutscenes permitting!
I’m a fatty boom boom who has no motivation to walk all the way to the nearest gym after work but is nonetheless slowly doing well on a diet. I’ve bought an old Just Dance for exercise but would this effectively work long term at 30 minutes a day, would you know?
I’ve reached the end area of Digital Devil Saga multiple times, and stopped multiple times. I don’t know why because I adore that game. It’s so hard to jump back into though; I tried the other afternoon and just got completely wiped multiple times. The non-Persona SMT games are brutal, sometimes too brutal...
I know we’re a somewhat rare breed but I adore DA2, warts and all. I think having a story set in one city over a long span of time is refreshingly different to yet another huge epic journey over multiple maps (I love the other two games too so not shitting on that style!) Also, easily my favourite party. Isabela and…
The release of Grandia on Switch reminded me to finish my save on PS3. I first played it like, 15 years or more ago, and have restarted it multiple times. Even though I love the game I would just trail off each time (the slow loading for battles and awkward maze-like maps don’t help at all).
What a great post, you're obviously very passionate about pixel art and you’ve made me interested in trying something I’ve never done before!
And I was actually gonna chill for a few hours tomorrow w/ podcasts and work on my N Tropy unlock :( Oh well.
Absolutely. I love the systems of this, X-2 and Tactics the most because there's just something about levelling jobs and abilities as well as actual character levels that's like absolute crack, and playing around with combinations of jobs. I also think that V has far more memorable dungeons and towns than the two…
YAS I have it on PC but I really want to work on a platinum trophy for this. 8 is weird; I really don't care much about the story but I love the battle system and junctioning and making cards and shit, and breaking the system completely. Banging soundtrack too. So hype.