Slow down. Turn the heat down a little. Take a little more time so you don’t get overcooked meat on the outside and undercooked on the inside.
Slow down. Turn the heat down a little. Take a little more time so you don’t get overcooked meat on the outside and undercooked on the inside.
You didn’t turn out for Al Gore because he was boring, so you got 8 years of Bush and Alito instead. You didn’t turn out for Clinton because her emails, or she was “shrill” or something. So you got four years of Trump, with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett instead. So now there’s a fascist coup still underway. And…
We don’t need to save all of them. Just a small percentage. Just enough to maybe not vote for Trump again. Trump won in 2016 because he got about 40,000 more votes in three key states. That’s why most Republicans are letting Trump attempt his coup again. They’re sitting on the fence, waiting to see how it turns out.
Only Trump’s puppets are allowed.
I use cheapass hair conditioner and shave in the shower.
Of course Santa is real. He’s an animatronic robot. How else do you think he delivers all those toys in one night?
Caught grifting. Still grifting from prison. Gotta admire the brazenness.
If you don’t stand up to this now, your kids are going to be taught by white supremacists in a few years. It’s happening in every state. You can’t just shrug it off as “a few nutjobs”, because that’s all it took to get a teacher forced out of two jobs, and likely the state. Get off your moderate liberal ass and stop…
That’s the only reason they need. They are just cheering for a team. Democrats in these states should just put their names on a sign with a red background. The votes from people who think they’re voting Team Republican would probably be enough to put them over the top.
Keep in mind that some people will straight up call the cops if they see a kid outside on their own. We do need to let kids range, but for some things it needs to be a societal shift as well. If your kid is under 12 and they are out of your yard on their own, it could be considered that you aren’t “supervising” them…
Either Vader is the most powerful and most careless being in the galaxy, or he’s giving her a chance to see if she lives and becomes stronger and more like him. There’s the whole sith thing where the apprentice is always trying to kill the master. Maybe he’s - you know - nostalgic.
Thrust matters not.
Good party game. Pizzapartymadness describes it pretty well. Each game is pretty quick, so you usually play a few in a row. You don’t need to purchase the game, but there are some versions that have fancier rules and an app that serves as the moderator so everyone gets to play. It would probably be pretty amazing to…
That’s not exactly what I said. High gas prices are the fault of the oil companies. And it’s got nothing to do with leases and drilling. That’s a lie from the oil companies that Republicans and right wing media are happy to repeats. Oil executives have been recorded telling their shareholders that they are going to…
Yeah, you’re still going to have those from everyone who isn’t the UPS bikecarthingy. You might even get it still from them.
It’s another one of those shows where the characters aren’t supposed to be likeable, but you grow to love them. Or, you’re supposed to love them, I guess. But it definitely gets better as it goes along. Save it for when you get a gap in your watching.
If the court strikes this down, they are also striking down the idea of religious exemptions, so it seems like a good move.
Do you think he has a dial or something in the Oval Office that he uses to turn gas prices up or down? And do you think he decided to just crank it to 11? Do you want the President to be in control of the prices of goods? That’s communism, you know.