
I recommend you travel to the farthest northwest corner of Georgia and tell those people that they need to be better. Let me know how it goes.

Gerrymandering itself won’t affect the vote for Governor. What can effect it is polling locations. That’s why progressives and Democrats need to realize that the Secretary of State position is hugely important. They are in charge of the elections. Republicans can use that position to close polling locations in

Especially at the local level. Every local election should have a Democrat or progressive option. And they should all have the same campaign. It should be a list of their platform, and at the top of the list it should say, “Once you’re in the voting booth, you get to choose.”

And there’s part of the problem. You picture every Republican owned state as filled up with trash. Some of them are good people who share your views. Some of them are less informed and if they heard a wider variety of opinions, they might even change theirs.

That would only be true in the “purple” states that have a strong Republican showing in the offices that draw the maps. Actually, it would be best if people from the strong blue states migrated to those battleground places like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

As noted below, the majority of Americans support legal abortion. It is like marriage equality, civil rights, and new gender issues. As norms change, people need to push the government to change.

If you live in a nice safe blue state and care about abortion, why don’t you move to a red state and vote there?

And the white people who aren’t rich and would go bankrupt if they had to take one ambulance ride will still vote for him. 

“Inspired by Jackie Chan” could mean they want to film carefully planned out and choreographed fight scenes with a mix of comedy and skilled martial arts. I mean, that’s what I think of when I think of Jackie Chan.

I was thinking the same thing, especially since they kept failing along the way of their “protests” of the mask mandates.  But now it’s clear they’re branching out to any right wing talking point, and the media is going to pick them up. So it might as well be “Antifa” throwing eggs at them. But rocks and such off an

I need to increase my testosterone levels. Should I go to a doctor and get it safely, or should I try sticking my balls in the toaster? I guess the only real question is whether I should use the regular setting or the bagel setting.

The good news is, once Netflix is killed, you’ll have Amazon and Disney, who are well known for always doing the right thing.

It’s not your “health care” they’re coming for. Republicans (who are basically all men) want control of your reproduction. That time in the past they are so nostalgic for is the time when men ran everything and women had babies and cleaned up for the men. Everything they push for is a step towards that goal. 

Are you seriously saying that Jason Sudeikis told his lawyer to make sure the process server company he hires waits until a public event to serve her papers? I know you think anyone can be that evil. But it’s stupid that you even think that’s possible.

Yeah, the working class will get real mad about something that doesn’t cost them anything, but will boost the economy. You sure you’re not confusing the working class with the idle rich who want an uneducated, indebted servant underclass?

This is coming everywhere. I teach in a very liberal state. The local school committee has an item on the agenda about “teaching divisive concepts”. They are getting people to take their boilerplate language to all schools. They really, really don’t want your kids to understand what racism is, and they really, really

Yes, it’s more polarization, which isn’t good. But there is actual danger for women and LGBTQ in some states, so they are wise to avoid those places.

Web sites that supposedly care about women and people of color run daily pieces attacking Biden. Why are his numbers so low? I don’t understand. Sure hope he gets replaced by a Republican so everything will be fine.

You mean, the President should give speeches? You probably haven’t noticed, but he has. And in this age of politics, they accomplish nothing. The media focuses on what he didn’t say in a speech. The right wing propaganda machine lies about it. And we’re back to Congress.

Walkouts boost ratings. If Ken Jeong actually quit, that might have an impact.