Hopefully there will be a big sign at the local public library that lists all the banned books.
Hopefully there will be a big sign at the local public library that lists all the banned books.
It’s not about smart vs. stupid. Right wingers are authoritarians. They do what they are told. So they think if a kid reads a book, the kid will do what’s in the book.
The police have gone full right wing fascist. It started in earnest in the 90s, with the militarization of the police and the yellow-ribbon worshipping of the military and “first responders” as can-do-no-wrong heroes. Cops went from being regular people taking a job to angry meatheads thinking they’re fighting against…
He hasn’t had “efforts to alter the American political system”. He wasn’t a “participant in efforts to skew the results of an election”. He wasn’t an “element in subverting the democratic process”.
As I think was pointed out in an article here a while ago, they aren’t selling you cars. They are selling you car loans. Got to keep you in debt. And with the new “features” they’re going to selling you monthly subscriptions just to make your car work.
I don’t think they know what allegedly means.
So many questions. 1. If the guy who is investigating loses a half a million dollars if he succeeds, what are the chances he’s gonna succeed? 2. How the hell does a Sheriff have half a million dollars in spare cash?
French bulldogs should be on here, alongside the pugs. Stop buying dogs that spend their whole lives struggling to breathe.
I’m wondering if the NFL teams are sort of individually deciding that being openly racist is back in style, or if this is pushback from continued efforts by Kaepernick. I don’t think it’s coincidence that the NFL is back down to one black head coach.
I’m hoping Biden adds another qualifier to his “affirmative action”. I hope she’s young. I hope she’s there a long time. In fact, I’d keep putting black women on the Supreme Court until Republicans beg for term limits.
Yeah, kinda done with police procedurals, and police shows in general. Even Brooklyn Nine-Nine had the decency to hang a lampshade on it as they bowed out. This show could have just gone with the private citizen who is also an expert detective, since they’re ripping off the Brits anyway. No need for police at all.
I’ve had a glimpse. Worked with a woman who only needed 4 hours of sleep. She did all kinds of extra work at home. After a while, other people were getting “be more like her” hints from management.
After hearing the tail end of an NPR piece on this, it seems more and more like screw the DOJ.
The only way this makes sense is if they thought an appeal in Georgia would be successful, or they were worried about some batshit Governor pardoning them.
L’enfant Requin, L’enfant Requin, dormez vous? Dormez vous?
You could say, “If you give up your ridiculous made up holiday, I’ll give up my ridiculous made up sport. We could go do something more interesting together.”
I bet there’s a special key on the keyboard that lets you escape these rooms.
See, what Euphoria needs is for Zendaya to smash some eggs with a frying pan. That will keep the kids clean.
The rules should still be in place from the Republicans, so all they need is 50 votes. Piece of cake. How hard can it be to get all the Democrats to vote together on something that is so hugely important?
I seem to recall that some of the previous black coaches interviewed for head jobs were often offered short contracts at lowball rates, clearly indicating they would be temps until a white guy became available down the road.