
Why is this ad posted as a deal.

Why is this ad posted as a deal.

Yes I know and I also know that I’m being a bit of a Jerk but mark it on your calendar... in 4 yrs it will be SomeOneElseDon’tCare.

So we’re switching from ObamaDon’tCare to TrumpDon’tCare which in about 4 years will be switched to SomeoneElseDon’tCare or what? By the way, what I mean by “don’t care” is the fact that they don’t have to live by their own rules. They just make the laws and say “See ‘Ya, I’m going to go golfing while Puerto Rico

I would argue if everyone else says it the other way, no matter what your ‘books’ say, you’re the idiot for saying it differently.

I know many people are up in arms about this but I never saw what all the fuss was about to force employers to offer it in the first place. They are choosing to offer health benefits as part of employment. It seems to me they should have the choice about whether or not to financially support something they find

The hack is the person writing. Just as much a hack as Will it sous-vidde

you mean i had to actually watch the video to get the joke?

we don’t need to be “taken care of”— actually it’s the exact opposite

Well said but you will never convince a pro-choice person. Their science seems to be a little different than real science.

Do you know what else is junk science? The idea that somehow birth is some magical experience that transforms a lump of cells that do not constitute a human being to a human being with rights. If abortion is not murder, then as many have pointed out neither is infanticide, nor euthanasia of elderly or disabled

Between Harvey and Irma, we lost a huge percentage of this years crop. The price of all produce (that isn’t west coast) is going to go up everywhere. It is going to be an expensive year to eat.

I really hate to say this to you, Leigh, because I’m a fan of your work, but this article isn’t really about how to talk to kids about much - it just vilifies gun owners. We know next to nothing about the motives, so any reasonable human being would be speculating when talking to anyone about the Why? As for school

Why can’t we just call these people what they are. Bad people. Why does it have to change as quickly as possible to guns. I notice a trend that if something bad occurs with a gun.....we need more gun control. If they do it with a car (like recently occurred) it is swept under the rug. What about the attacks in China

Yeah, this is fine. I don’t mind paying for news - reporters, editors, staff all need to eat too. My problem is that there are a lot of news sources that I really like and I can’t support them all.


Smoke and heat isn’t really an issue if you have a modern gas insert with proper venting.

I’m down with all of this accept accept the nonsense about where children come from. I’m not going to get into some conversation about the differences between gender and sex with my 4.5 year old. I’m not going to consider it a “flub” to tell my child that children come from women, because that is exactly what happens.

I completely disagree with the sentiment. 9 times out of 10, when I disable wifi or bluetooth in control center, it’s to disconnect from the network or device respectively, not to indefinitely turn the radios off. I tap once to power the radio off and disconnect, then tap again to turn it in. For me, this is a

Then it would be a good idea to point out in the article ;)

Signal is available as an application for Chrome since December 2015...