

“As he spiraled downward, he gave at least one interview talking about how the money made him feel completely alienated from society at large.

Ding ding, someone go back in time and tell those alter boys to wear less provocoatuve clothing maybe they wouldn’t have been molested!

Slow down there HYDRA

Reminding people of a bigot every time they load up their game is a bad idea. What’s not to get. 

So us Autistic’s deal with something similar. We still feel pain.it just takes a hell of a lot more for us to react. I actually lost the tip of a finger because of this. At some point I caused enough trauma to my finger tip to force surface bacteria deep inside my finger where it caused an infection.

I had a few neat chats with him over GMail about designing a console UI for building stuff in Minecraft, way back in the day.

I feel REALLY weird about praising giant faceless corporations over individual creators, but here we are. Good job, Microsoft! Notch, you can go ahead and fall in a ditch and stay there.

I never thought that Minecraft being bought out by a multi-billion dollar corporation would end up being a good thing.

Maybe get the huge chip off your shoulder and recognize that people can spend their money however they see fit and if that means they want to throw a huge party for all their family and friends so be it. It doesn’t affect your life whatsoever and it brings joy to theirs. 

Same-sex couples exist. More than M-F genders exist. Non-traditional people exist.

As an official representative from the Brotherhood of Insufferable Pedants, I would like to invite you to our Tuesday meeting. 

Mel B’s alleged admissions has put their friendship and the reunion tour in a bad place

Basically, the dogs are being abused or at least neglected already. Dogs don’t bark constantly unless they are not being paid attention. That means training, playing with them, walking them and being there for them. These poor things are miserable. the owner shouldn’t have them, but they probably aren’t doing anything

Happy, healthy, and well treated dogs don’t constantly bark.

This issue is NOT the dog’s fault, it is the owner’s fault and if it can’t be resolved neighbor to neighbor and calling the police doesn’t help, this is the result. People are inconsiderate assholes and most inconsiderate assholes have horrible animals that they don’t try to train and control. I happen to live next

I own two dogs (including a barky-ass scottie) and would love this.

Our next door neighrbors have two incredibly barky dogs and a doggy door.  Their dogs bark nonstop all day.  Thankfully not all night.  But it is really annoying.  Our house is well-insulated so it’s NBD inside.  But it makes being outside really

Hate to break the news to you but Estonia out-performs American schooling b y orders of magnitude!

I don’t feel bad for her but I think it’s shady and opportunistic as hell that jezebel is making her the face of the scandal when she’s not even one of the people who’s been indicted. She’s just one to the kids whose parents bribed oficials. The criminals are the parents and the network of scammers and coaches who

Hi Brett