
Well, they bribed the guy to help submit applications with false info/get unlimited time for their kids on tests/ or have him flat out change their answers. What about that doesn’t sound illegal to you? (Not trying to sound bitchy- just legitimately not sure why you wouldnt think that’d be super illegal?)

Maybe she wasn’t a piece of shit and also that this is why you’re single? 

I find it interesting how some commenters assume that there is—or should be—an attempt by Jezebel to funnel you toward a specific candidate. You seem to be presupposing that the journalists on this site are conspiring to manipulate you.

As someone who has interacted with TERFs a lot, the only way to address it is to dismiss it as the nonsense it is. Don’t try to compromise with them. They don’t care.

They want people like me in the men’s room getting raped and killed. That is their endgame.

I pee next to people like this every day. We chat at the mirror and then go on with our days. They have no idea I have a penis or was raised as a boy. Why would they? The last time someone called me “sir” because the document they had wasn’t changed yet they got very weird looks from everyone else around... in Texas.

You know it’s bad to lie, right? Your own opinion doesn’t substitute for fact. Post some data, or GTFO with this “many” crap.

Somehow I knew it would be Beck.

Much as I wish that was true, TERFs have a long history of working with social conservatives to crap on trans women-all the way back to the 70s, when they were kicking trans women out of lesbian collectives and advocating against trans rights to the government. Their politics have not grown more progressive since then.

This reminds me of people who think that sexual assault victims come forward, “for the money.”

Men don’t need to appropriate womanhood or “dress like women” to commit violence against women. They’re already so damn successful at it. 

so, a single person is in the wrong for not wishing to give up their preferred seat for you? So you were snotty to them the entire flight? Wow.

If if a person picks their seat, and is happy with it, why should someone switch with you because you’re not happy with yours? I don’t understand the feeling that people are entitled to sit next to their significant other. 

Anecdotal evidence that supports their claims are good enough for them.  Science is their enemy

Too bad anyone who isn’t a christian is attacked and marginalized by the church and these healthier church goers.  But hey! As long as they feel better about themselves when they have groups of people to try to oppress.

You’re grasping at straws, the evidence for those benefits is anecdotal at best and can be achieved through means that don’t involve empowering a toxic power structure that has proven utterly resistant to change throughout its history.

This is a direct result of the Catholic dogma that was shoved down South America’s throat for 400+ years. Organized religion was useful for a time, but it has long outlived its usefulness, it is a drag on the species at this point and should be treated as such.

The Church, destroying childrens lives for 100's of years. 

A ton of mods do, indeed, use the functionality of SKSE, and in general, that’s okay. There is a high degree of personal animus between SKSE and the Online team that goes into this fight, but the major problem is the claim that this particular project integrates the code from SKSE, uncredited, into a project that they

I do want to point out that it's not the morons that would die, it's their kids.