
No matter how many copies are sold a bunch of people will be laid off the second the game is ready to ship.

“Supporting the devs” is practically a dogwhistle that says “I don’t care about marginalized people, I just want to convince myself it’s okay to support their oppressors.”

People are allowed have their beliefs even if they differ to yours, this isn’t a fascist world. If she wants to believe what she does then leave her to it. Just like religious nutjobs can believe that homosexuality is wrong because its written in a fantasy story.

I’m glad this is getting this sort of reaction, but even as a trans person myself I can’t help but think that we (collective we) should have been taking a closer look at this series prior to this point. The ‘greedy, hook-nosed goblins’and slaves that enjoy being slaves probably should have started setting off alarm

Her beliefs have a noticeable uptick in trans suicides every time she speaks against them. So yeah, you kind of can’t just leave her be on this one.

The WB statement is nothing but PR spin. It says she isn’t directly involved in the game. Of course she isn’t, she’s not a game designer.

Lovecraft is dead. Rowling is alive. You can enjoy either. Only one makes money on their IP.

“Support the Devs” is just code for “I was mad that JKR is supporting the discrimination of an already vulnerable group but when pressed to change my behavior in the slightest to discourage it I find I have no principles”

lol people actually thinking that buying a game from one of the biggest corporations in the world based on one of the biggest media franchises int he world is going to “support the developers”, like they’re going to see any of that money anyway.

How can you like a sexist, racist xenophobe? Or do you mean you like him as a manager, because he doesn’t make your work life miserable? If the latter, is he just not sexist or racist against the people he works with? Or is it all white dudes? 

Is it really an imperfection if they can’t stop talking about it? I have plenty of coworkers and relatives I’m on good terms with who have pretty shitty views, but we’re able to maintain that relationship because they mostly keep those thoughts to themselves. I wouldn’t be able to do that if we couldn’t get through a

I don’t. They failed to give my cousin any kind of assistance after he was shot by some random asshole (Uber’s defense is that their responsibility ended as soon as his passenger left the car), so fuck that. It'll be a cold day on Earth before you see me in an Uber. 

Speak for yourself - I have never used Uber. 

if you want to discuss whether this film is problematic for trans people, fine, but you can get the fuck out of here pretending that “whiteface” is a thing or the same at all.

It’s purposeful, to increase the stigma against sex. If you think it’s going to be painful or your body needs weeks of preparation beforehand you’re going to be more intimidated and more likely to wait for marriage.

Pee tape is still undisputed number one, but footage of Eminem rapping along to the FBI agent’s deadpan recitation of his lyrics is making a strong play for “video that needs to see the light of day dear god please can’t we just have something good for a change because damn we’ve been suffering too long now and that

If you are such an asshole that you are okay with people being threatened for their line of work, perhaps you should examine your life choices.

Gay Pride happens globally (Shanghai has been doing pride for 11 years). Gay Pride events enable and encourage similar events in other parts of the world (Beruda is having its first pride march in August). Gay Pride also works as fundraisers to promote protection of LGBT+ individuals globally (such as refugee funds

At the moment, AO3 is relying on volunteer translators to help them out.

Cue the whiny bigots to derail any and all meaningful conversations to whine about how “this shouldn’t be on a video game news website!”, “I come here for video games!”, “Keep teh SJW politics out of my video games.”, or “These characters are just really good friends and anyone who wants to write their own stories