Quotidian, Man

Yeah, sure, emotions. Every shot I've seen of Gal Gadot playing Wonder Woman is just soooo emotional. Her every facial expression is a complex and refined mixture of so many different feelings, and cgi botox.

Who doesn't love Bill Nye? Republicans and other climate change deniers.

"what happens when finding someone to blame becomes more important than guilt or innocence"

Beauty Queen on a Mission. Gal Gadot is beautiful and … well, that's about it really.

Chance of Flop is now 95% leaving a 5% chance of Cult Film.

No kidding! Sadly she departed avclub a long time ago.

This just in: George Takei says the same thing using 100 times as many words and people still don't get it.

Upvoted for awesome avatar.

No, for exactly the reasons you just said; it would leave the doors wide open to major abuse. It is subject to circumstances and requires the decision of a judge.

If this new character is so badass and independent why doesn't her alter ego have her own name? Why would a 15 year old girl use the same name as some old white dude? This isn't a stunt to sell more comic books is it?

Her husband is awesome!

They're saving that for the Pokemon movie.

Thanks for letting us know.

I hope she has some compelling evidence because that case isn't going anywhere without it. Also makes you wonder about the females who haven't been punished; did they willingly "get along with the boys"?

Gene Simmons is an asshole, and assholes tend to gravitate toward the conservative spectrum (ie. working backwards), thus he likely never would have made that statement in the first place.

I know right? Chill out people. Go find something else to be outraged about.


Now if only she were a lesbian transgender little person, written by a black lesbian transgendered little person.

Smoke a little marijuana and problem solved! The weight of the world will be lifted from your shoulders and MST3K will be hilarious, even if you are all by yourself. I would still stick with regular treatment but if you ever feel suicidal consider it part of your emergency kit.

How was Rose financial responsible? He didn't *tell* anyone to riot. He didn't partake in the rioting. Rose should have fought harder against the lawsuit and gotten it thrown out.