Quotidian, Man

Toy Story has a lot of toys-in-jeopardy potential for many films. As for the incredibles… I really hope they satirize the current glut of comic book films, because I don't see how they can sustain that without becoming an animated Marvel.

I think Disney's philosophy is starting to tarnish Pixar.

"I've been going to this school for twelve years. I'm no dummy."

Good Dinosaur will be one of your least favorite. Barney the dinosaur against a photo realistic backdrop, and the main character is sooooo annoying I found myself rooting for his death. Afraid of chickens? Okay, time to die.

Was there a five minute song?

Yes… via IR signals that can be blocked. I advocate blocking them.

This was a decision made by suits. Every employed programmer these days (like myself) is constantly getting hit over the head with security concerns. "How can this get abused?" Is now a second-nature question. And yes, I know you were quoting Jurassic Park.

That means you don't know how Apple operates. There will NOT be an API made available to an app. Apple does not play well with others. What you're talking about is jail breaking, which would work but that is not easy.

This is about money. If your crap doesn't make money they are happy with you, but if you start becoming a threat then nope!

This can be easily avoided by not buying an iphone. There are such things as IR filters for camera lenses to block any and all IR but allow everything else. Just cover your phone's sensor with it.

Whoa, there Einstein, you just spent more time thinking about the premise than the filmmakers did over the time it takes to make three films!

"I like The Purge… a lot … I mean it's a fabulous movie, the best really, about how great America is. It's doing incredible at the box office, making tons of money. The people involved, the best in world really, all did a great job."

By your brilliant logic we should make fully automatic weapons legal and remove all restrictions. The same with c4, tnt and detonator cord. We should make them available to ex convicts too! To say otherwise is to concede that those restrictions in general actually save lives, which is something your toddler brain will

The last season made everything before it irrelevant, but that's a good thing. Then the last part of the last season ruined that too. It's been years and I've mostly gotten over it but I'll never forgive it completely.

Angry pyro mobs are loose cannons but god damn it they get results!

Ya, didn't they just do one?


D&D is all dirty grit, magic, and fantastic monsters. There's no way to make this movie without going the Peter Jackson route, and that kind of expense is exceptional. Anything less and it's just CGI garbage and bad acting.

This is a very well written review! It didn't use cumbersome pretentious vocabulary or foreign words. It wasn't complicated with intellectually insecure rambling. It avoided all that and was very insightful.

At this pay scale the marketing department is comprised of geniuses who operate on a level so far beyond the average human being that people like us will never understand them.