Quotidian, Man

I've never heard anyone black/white/yellow/red/purple ever say Earf or Birfday so I have no idea where it came from. I thought it was just something fun to say.

Perhaps to disprove the assertion "we can all agree"?

I wholeheartedly agree. Interviews over the phone are a nightmare to listen to.

Brent Spiner's normal voice is obnoxious. It's really a credit to his acting ability that Data was so likeable.

I love these types of articles! There's original interesting content here, not just simply regurgitating pop culture news.

Government is too important to be left to corrupt politicians. It's also too important to be left to the people.

When people yearn for the time when they were children and reject modern progress under pretenses that don't stand up to scrutiny the results are rarely good.

It's not like 52% of Hollywood voted for the death of Anton Yelchin.

Is that a deeper shade of rouge?

Nowadays that comment will get you arrested.

I was skeptical until I watched the analysis videos on youtube and learned about Zeppelin's history of plagiarism. From a legal point of view I think the ruling should have gone the other way, but from a personal point of view I couldn't care less. Those two songs are so radically different.

I had no idea this was a thing, but now that I think about it, ya. What a jerk. Also, Wonka is a crazy person.

Now if only people aged as well as these locations….

I could never finish watching it. Way too uncomfortable; not the feeling I crave to experience.

It doesn't matter how many people point out how bad Trump and the Republicans are: they are still going to be there, like cockroaches, and they are all convinced that the other side (democrats) are the real evil. It's ridiculous. I'm waiting to see how polarized politics can get before we have open gang warfare.

Because $$$. I'm sure The Rock's divorce was expensive with ridiculous support payments.

You need to turn that frown upside down!

Pixar *used* to know when to dial back the photo-realism in service of the story. Now they're slipping away from that. Now you get Barney the Dinosaur against a photo-realistic backdrop and the combination is distracting and jarring. I haven't seen Finding Dory but at least it looks way better than The Good Dinosaur.

That's what she said. Those that believe it's better for EU than for Britain would naturally want to leave the union. She said UKIP want's to leave.

I was thinking that Will Ferrell was the only reason to watch it. Am I wrong?