Quotidian, Man

This guy is too scatterbrained to try and decipher. I just like laughing at his jokes.

You know they're prostitutes right? With enough money you could too.

Uh, what? #2 was on her REAL ESTATE SIGN. By your logic everyone who drives by that sign at every house she's ever sold are making dick moves. And #3: where on that sign does it say "Black Realtor"?

Is number 6 a sequel to Doom?

A very good review without any pretentious vocabulary! But was it good? The feeling I'm getting from this is "meh"

I think if Prince committed suicide for no good reason (no chronic pain or terminal illness) then that would be pathetic like "what a deliberate waste". Instead it was an unintended tragedy.

And then Disney bought Pixar and now Pixar has been canabalized

More like Wheel of Bloat

Oh it gets worse. One of the books spent two chapters on each subplot, moving the timeline forward only a couple of days. I gave up and stopped buying the books; I just read the first chapter and the last chapter, while in the bookstore (remember those?) coffee shop, and missed nothing in between.

Apparently he has a huge vault of unreleased music, so look forward to thirty or so posthumous album releases.

Prince is not dead, he just went home.

I can't stand Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Beiber, or Drake.

I never could stand that guy. I don't think Mike Tyson would be any less awkward

Most movies are wish fulfillment in general. Who doesn't want to live a magical life as an uber athlete in an exotic paradise with a perfect warrior princess, etc. See every Disney film ever made.

Meh. Not impressed and I'm not sure why. The cinematography looks good, the effects too. It seems to me Pacific Rim was a better Kaiju movie then the recent Godzilla movies.

I thought so too but his upper lip doesn't look like Takei. Gollyzilla's tail is way too long and untapered, like a club.

This is so depressing, but ya, think before you spend millions of your own money.

Strong female character smacking you in your face! English accents! Vague lofty voice overs! Spoiler: she steals the plans to the death star and many bothans die.

Are they any other Twisted Sister tracks?

Wow, that's some depressing math.