Quotidian, Man

These preachy Christian movies are generally treated with contempt and I'm not sure why. The Christians would have you believe they are the majority so wouldn't they be celebrated? Is it the insufferable self righteousness and persecution complex? If they are the majority why do they feel persecuted? Yet with these

You need to turn that frown upside down!

I had no idea AV Club had been infiltrated by the ruskies! I want to round them all up and shine bright lights in their faces. "Tell us what you know… preferably in the form of a well written online article"

Military Industrial Complexes. They don't get funding unless there's a boogy man. My brother works in such a place and he's so depressed when there isn't a war, and when there is a war he lights up like a kid at Christmas.

Ya, he's awesome. I suspect he's also one of the auralnauts.

Very likely. They probably block web proxies as well so maybe use your phone as a tether? But that's going to eat up your precious data plan. Go back to work you slacker!

This article was a breath of fresh air. A very interesting subject and perspective. More please.

Tales From the Crypt has always kind of sucked but in a really fun way and yet it's still too good for Shamelan. I hope he's not directing any episodes.

I love this article and the last paragraph!

I miss these old reviews: completely devoid of pretentiousness. It's like the new avclub writers have insecurities that can only be addressed by big vocabulary and over complicated comparisons. As if you can't be a Serious reviewer without those.

Could this get any more awesome?

I'm pretty sure the reason they ended their show was because it was just so much work. It was basically all they did and they burned out. They were really great like the first two seasons of Chapelle Show.

I liked the movie and still do. It's very unique, imaginative and the production values were really great for the time. I read the book afterward and it wasn't that great. This overwrought article says it has the density of a black hole… no, no it doesn't. It's the story of a revolution. The rest is interesting but

I completely agree with that first part. Do they even do those anymore? However I think it's unrelated. This is all going down the same as the music industry now that bandwidth has made it practical to steal gigabytes of data in only 20 minutes. Music only takes a few megabytes which was all we had bandwidth for back

Facebook's been doing this for a while now. There you can go back to chronological easily enough but it conveniently (for them) forgets your setting and goes back to the algorithmic without warning.

As nasty as those comments are they are irrelevant to the legal case. The violation of privacy is the issue not Hulks ass or racist remarks. Still… $115 million is quite a fine. 50 Cent got nailed with a similar lawsuit and also lost. Moral of the story: post sex tapes anonymously.

Ya, but which characters are gay?

I'm way older than you and feel the same way about Prince.

Holy run on sentence Batman!

There is no secure anti-piracy technology. How are you going to play it? An HDMI cable from the "secure" streaming box? Oh. Okay, I'll just digitize from that, thanks.