Quotidian, Man

I stopped watch VB largely because of the tone VB took when they introduced Hatred, like they were being deliberately repugnant just to shock.

He's no Brock

Our advertisements full of mind control don't work on people in the UK

Perhaps they were expecting advertisers to throw huge amounts of $$$ at yahoo to advertise, but someone heard about adblock and said nah, no $$$ for yahoo.

Pandore bought them after they went bankrupt.

The problem here isn't that they're women, or even who the women are, but the impossibility of competing against nostalgia. I really hope they make a fun film first, and forget about ghostbusting entirely.

This isn't Star Trek anymore. It's hyperbolic action schlock with cosplay. Was that Green Lantern Kirk at the end?

I'm sure there's a lawsuit pending

The problem with this idea is the "based on a novel by Stephen King" part. His movies only work on a small scale drama (Green Mile, Shawshank, Stand by Me, Misery). The world spanning ridiculousness of the Dark Tower books would kill that film very quickly. I don't think it'd survive even past the first act of the

Oooo! Are they going to destroy The Enterprise again? Can it be a crash landing this time?

Scotch is very strong. You definitely want to sip it, without ice, to get the full experience. Slamming a drink down is what you do to get it over with. I typically make a small amount (like a shot glass) last all night so that I'm constantly tasting it. I have tried both expensive and cheap scotches and like the

Good for him, I hope it works.

I have a little more optimism. He does show signs of learning, such as dialing back on the lens flares, to say nothing of what he's learned since the days of Lost.

They screwed up the release date of Victor Frankenstein by exactly one month.

Ya, definitely don't do a sequel to The Incredibles. Do more of this stuff.

But how did he get through the wall outside the cantina? And he surely would have been stopped if his name was in a database somewhere.

I'm pretty sure a little Gweedo is among Anakin's friends at the pod race, or at least a child of the same species.

Considering all the other tone deaf things he's done, this is not surprising at all.

This is also the fifteen year anniversary of Shamelan's last quality film. What happened to that guy?

I have no doubt it will be great but will it get funding from, I hope, comedy central? Something like this needs a few seasons to really develop.