Quotidian, Man

The top user interface designers in the industry were consulted and employed for months studying the behavior of real life AVClub readers and asking them what their deepest desires were for a truly transcendent viewing experience. This is the result. There's just no pleasing you fans. All future work will now be

If you like them you like them, if you don't you really don't. No article or argument is likely to change you from one camp to the other. Having said that, the more you examine these films from an artistic perspective the more they fall apart. If you are not inclined to judge a movie on artistic merit then you are in

I didn't have a problem with it at all. There's something realistic about that, like, so you're really powerful with the force. You can levitate an x-wing. How is that useful in a fight? A decade later I read the Darth Bane trilogy to witness truly powerful Jedi and Sith fighting, and guess what? It's kind of the

It's reaching when you have to say that at least his whining is reminiscent of great actor XYZ's stilted speech pattern. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

I've got to agree with you on the Return of the Jedi thing. I was a kid and knew immediately that it was just terrible, I always rewatched it with a certain dread. The death star again?! The only thing I could get excited about was the beginning when Luke comes in and starts strangling people.

If you cut and paste all the negative concessions this article makes and put them together you will arrive at couple substantial paragraphs on why the prequels are terrible.

They're trying to say this film is going to be so epic it will define your generation, and every generation that sees it.

If only they weren't taking themselves so seriously

Can't she be both?

Don't open it. You're doing exactly what they want you to do. If you open the box they win.

The comic's ending is ridiculous (giant squids from planet X are trying to invade earth) but the movie's ending is more plausible within it's own universe. In either case the message is the same: humanity needs a common "evil" to unite against even if it's manufactured by Ozymandias.

You forget Ewoks. That did it long before Jar Jar.

Darth Bane transferred his essence into a new body when the Dark Side corrupted his old body. Even so, the long line of Sith lords was just too diverse to have all been one person. Bane mostly died when he fought his superior apprentice: only some of his personality merged with hers.

Hasn't this been exhausted already? There's only so many stranded ships and strange aliens. I love Star Trek but each series ended for a reason.

Well that's, like, your opinion man. My opinion is that horror isn't scary unless you're a kid and at that point explanations are silly. I would instead define horror as cool. Demons are awesome and interesting, and gothic art is beautiful.

It's a pop-up book, duh.

The biggest strike against J.J. Abrams: Lost

I never really cared for Mom On Pop but I always liked both John and his Mom. I like his Mom even more now because she's so real.

I wanted to be happy with this as I love Colbert, the original Zelda and the orchestra is very talented, but the music wasn't good and it was such a shameless extended commercial I just had to stop watching it.

Vaping is a good thing if it keeps people from smoking cigarettes, but it's not as good as not vaping or smoking at all in the first place. I see both sides. Nicotine must be a hell of an addiction.