Quotidian, Man

Does he realize that the video stream to his TV is digitized? Not the good kind of digitized, and he's recording THAT on VHS? Even if he had dinosaur analog cable the source at the cable company is definitely digital. Why not just watch a DVD on a CRT television with extra static, the contrast down and sharpness set

Are we going to ask questions and then answer them ourselves? Yes.

I wouldn't say The Watch is the best film, but I would say it's the best supercut. Tastes are very personal yet I agree with about 1/3 of these. Talking Heads was truly amazing. He looks like a kid!

in showers

The problem with After Earf and Airbender was … the editing? Oh. Oh okay.

I'm trying the same thing with Starcraft II, a game I suck at. It has so far resulted in lots of frustration and I'm only slightly better. I'm about to give up.

Good work! I honestly think that if someone with a writing staff uses a joke from some random freelancer then obviously that random freelancer should be hired and added to the writing staff for writing jokes so good they can't not use them.

So you're the other person that played Mail Order Monsters! I thought I was the only one!

If Gollyzilla picks up the intel on how to defeat Gollyzilla then that is helping Gollyzilla by keeping it out of the hands of the humans. This game looks just as boring as Rampage was back in the day: destroy, don't die, repeat.

Major Bummer sounds fun; I'd love to read it!

$4.00 and it's a tiny kids cup *sad trombone*

I'll take juvenile over pretentious any day, and this was neither. Excellent article! BTW, I think the writer meant he wasn't comfortable making fun of it out loud like MST3K.

Cool, but I don't think it would be all that different from today.

Not pretentious enough. Patti Smith's garbage gets an A though.

Harry Shearer has become Mr Burns. Can't be bothered to muster up the physical strength to get out of bed and record his lines for a paltry seven figure salary. They must have thrown in some perks to get him to sign again, like a servant to lift him out of bed.

Still slipping into a character instead of playing himself.

Being alive causes disease; stop breathing.

That's why I'm throwing this party for clients instead of friends.

TV and films are loaded with sexpots. The latest Avengers film, from the Social Justice Warrior Joss Whedon who called out Jurassic World's sexism, had a part for a mom to get rescued. Bit part. Of course she was young, gorgeous, with huge boobs and a low-cut top because only those engender the protective male

Goooood review!