Quotidian, Man

Screech's hateful childhood jealousy resulted in quite the angry hothead. Keep that guy locked up.

Me too. It presumes that Marvin Gaye is the reason the song was popular and made money that would have otherwise gone to Marvin Gaye.

No, no, you've got it backwards. Dave Foley is a hardworking professional until you offer him a few girly drinks.

Jupiter Ascending has ascended Mila Kunis above this crap.

Hard to believe that Will Smiff is too classy to star in this.

They didn't read the comment section on this website. It doesn't require a genius to go from Pikachu + (porn slang/genital slang) = ? Hmmm…

Ya, but that's a hell of a gamble. Back then TDS was insignificant, so nothing to lose on an unknown, but now it's a landmark. You don't gamble like that on a landmark program.

I prefer "Which product placement coerced you?" Fewer words is always better.

Tall women lifting heavy objects?

Trump > Jeb


This looks a little too good, like it's not a comedy? I'm sure it'll be hilarious, intentional or not, but they all looked like they were playing it straight.

She's got the Megan Fox thing going on

Because then you could share the disc with your friends and they'd each get a legit download from PS Now… unless they required the legacy disc inside console the entire time you play.