Quote Unquote Sir

Are you guys never going to review the Depeche Mode album that came out in March?

Same here. Third is the only one I skipped…too bad that actor couldn't be in a better Mission Impossible movie. I blame J.J. Abrams. I always find his movie work uninspired and derivative. I loved the fourth one, but can't remember its villain. The 5th one's villain is only memorable to me because I couldn't stand his

I guess it's not very novel if you've heard a lot of Wu-Tang Clan songs, but I think that "Hit 'Em High" is seriously one of the most entertaining rap songs ever. I still listen to it frequently and always have a great time doing so. This all-star team up song with every very talented and distinctive person involved

Great timing.

I'd just like to add that along with the other obvious reasons, "The Body" should also be praised for its excellent use of humour. Seriously.

Happy to see another defender of "Passion", this list's most egregious exclusion. To me, that's the most simultaneously exciting and heartbreaking episode. Just a tremendous piece of work.

I'm loving all this praise for "Passion". My favourite (and choice for best) episode too. Such an intense, dramatically powerful episode, full of memorably eloquent, beautiful, and insightful philosophical dialogue.

Yeah, Adam was rather dull, but he had some good dialogue that he delivered pretty well (i.e. "I like Helter Skelter"). He had his moments. Glory was insufferable…so obnoxious and annoying. I hate everything about this character, from the concept to execution. No redeeming qualities at all.

I think it's great. I hope you get that my comment was meant to be an affectionate reference to the movie and your user name. I really dig the user name.

Forget it.
Brilliant, but lazy.

I think the main reason it was successful was that for some people (a lot, apparently), attitude is enough. I really like the Deadpool character and how Ryan Reynolds played him. I enjoyed the inside jokes, playful irreverence, and sense of humour (mostly). His supporting characters (which you mentioned) were fun too.

I seem to be one of the only people who actually didn't mind "Suicide Squad", but to me the make-up and costumes were the worst part of it. I was fine with Leto's Joker…as a performance (in spite of him not having any memorable dialogue, which is a shame). I thought he was basically doing an impression of Ledger's

I was just about to post a similar thought. His character is one of the best vampires I've ever seen in any movie or TV show, and I've seen a lot of 'em. Watching that movie for the first time 3 years ago, I thought he was its highlight. Such an entertaining performance…effortlessly shifting between very funny and

How about reporting on this re-make without shoehorning in your opinion of the last one? Really, what relevance does that have to news? It's just egotistical. It reminds me of the guy who would drive me nuts by including every report about a new Star Trek or X-Men movie with the smug reminder that he doesn't like "X2"

I subscribe to the "He's too nuts" theory. I saw him at a convention and was really disappointed. I actually left in the middle of Linda Hamilton's Q & A (possibly offending her) to move my car (parking was expiring) so I'd be back in time for Brooks.

I would like a new episode if it'd undo all the series finale's Sisko nonsense (similar to how "X-Men: Days of Future Past" repaired damage done by "X-Men: The Last Stand").

I liked the running gag of every single famous, beloved, universally acclaimed movie having an IMDB message board thread titled "OVERRATED" or "WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!" It annoyed me at first, but eventually I started to find this kinda endearing. I'll miss it.

It's weird hearing him use that voice to say something besides dialogue from "Batman: The Animated Series" (never played those video games he did). At the same time, it's a joy, because his distinctive intonations just fill me with nostalgia, without or without authentic Joker dialogue.

Romero stunk. He was too old for the part and over-enunciated his words. I think people just give him a free pass because of nostalgia. He was one of the few casting blunders in that series.

I think it's a bit unfair to say Jadzia was the only interesting thing, but I'm happy to see some love for this character.