Quote Unquote Sir

Karloff? SIDE…KICK?

I just want to thank everyone who responded to the news of Oswalt's engagement by mentioning how much they enjoyed "The Journey of Natty Gann" as children. I just watched that movie for the first time and enjoyed it. I probably would have never heard of it if not for you people, so I'm offering my appreciation for the

Wow, I thought I'm the only one who feels this way. I loved "Spaced" and "Shaun of the Dead", but am disappointed by everything he's done since. I think he's visually one of the best directors working today.

Spider-Man 2 is quite good, but it really beats us over the head too much with how much Peter Parker's personal life success. That bothered me when I watched it for the first time and still does during every re-watch. When he can't get a drink at Jameson's party because they're magically finished at the exact moment

I loved his Gorilla Grodd so much. Equal credit should go to both the writers and his vocal performance for that big naked gorilla ending up as seriously one of my all time favourite villains. I always liked Luthor and Grodd more than Brainac and Darkseid on "Justice League". Luthor and Grodd were so much more

Clearly he can write very eloquently (I really liked that description of how the Alien looks), but he undermines his writing by vainly shoehorning opinions about other movies into it. I was enjoying the review and finding it very impressive until the unnecessary comment on "Aliens".

He was one of my favourite parts of my favourite Tarantino movie - "Kill Bill, Volume 2". I love how he had two different roles in those Kill Bill movies and was memorable in both. He's so fun in his scene as the pimp in Vol. 2. I always remember how amusingly he delivered his reaction to her line "My pussy wagon died

Apparently not. I hate when titles are re-used, especially so soon after the original came out. 12 years isn't very long between titles. Just watched that movie for the first time recently and liked it. At least those behind "The Fast and the Furious" (2001) waited till long after the previous movie (1955) had been

It's neat how that movie treats pro wrestling like it's as real as boxing (i.e. not fixed at all).
I don't know if any other movie ever has. Nice reference…so cute how they treat the sunset flip like this secret weapon move they have to master, when it's just a type of pin!
I love the relationship between manager Falk

I thought the show was pretty respectful towards him. They emphasized his skill, ambition, passion for making movies, and courage. He was portrayed as a very talented man who took his art seriously and stuck up for it and himself under very stressful and frustrating circumstances.

I really liked the slower song "All My Only Dreams".

Last time I watched this, it struck me that the opening scene seems to set up a movie with Trinity as main character. Carrie Anne Moss was so electrifying in this scene that I was almost disappointed when focus shifted to Reeves/Neo. Not that "The Matrix" suffers from not going in the direction suggested early. It

I found it quite stilted. As I said above, my theory is that Truffaut didn't feel as confident directing in English. One thing I liked was the '60s Batman level special effects…particularly the firemen with their jet packs, obviously hovering in front of a screen with moving background on it.

I actually like "Equilibrium" more than the movie adaptations of books that inspired it ("Nineteen Eighty-Four" and "Farenheit 451").

Good luck, Gunn. Seriously. The trilogy curse is hard to beat. I personally believe not even directors as talented as Christopher Nolan, Sam Raimi, and Richard Linklater could overcome it.

Thank you. I watched that movie for the first time just a few years ago and was disappointed to hear it had been a flop, largely because of the long shadow cast by "Star Wars". I thought "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger" contained some of Harryhausen's best creations. I love its monsters and thought the cast was


Just wanted to say I enjoyed the (affectionate?) gentle mockery of British English vocabulary in this news post.

Watched "Metro" for the first time this past week. Disappointed that it wasn't mentioned here. A nice thing about this column is how it sometimes draws attention to solid, lesser known movies. "Metro" was really fun, well-made, and well-acted.