Quote Unquote Sir

It takes awhile to get good. I get where you're coming from, having been really tempted to give up after those first two seasons. 3 was a big improvement and I felt like it finally started to become consistently good in season 4. I find seasons 4-7 mostly solid, although it's a very uneven series from start to finish

Bruce Campbell.

Apparently no. But I was done with it after its second season.

Kirk's response of "Computer, you will not address me in that manner" is one of the funniest moments of that series. And then the computer's response is all pouty. Hilarious!

My favourite Shatner recording session clip is him saying, "Please don't tell me how to do it…it sickens me." I think that was from the "Sabotaage" session. I'm not sure. Maybe it's been edited together with the sabotage stuff from another occasion.

How do you like Tom Everett Scott in the role? I assume he really likes the character, having played him in both "Justice League Unlimited" and "Batman: The Brave and the Bold". I really enjoyed his performances. Would be nice if he'd get to play Booster in live action, especially if he's a big fan of the character.

I think her whole reason for existing was to make Bruce Wayne look less gay as a middle-aged man living with his 'young ward' and old butler. They just HAD to have a woman in the house. Seriously. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

I think there's like one shot of her waving in front of Wayne Manor.
I didn't miss her. She was very irritating on the show.

And by far the most disturbing thing I've seen in any of those Marvel movies. Actually, one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen in any movie ever. That's some cold, cold, ruthless shit right there.

Yeah, it reminds me of the Daniel Clamp logo in "Gremlins 2". Incidentally, Clamp was a vain, villainous, very ambitious rich businessman. Hmmmm….

Come to think of it, yes, many of those weren't exactly grinning widely…but at least they weren't pouty like this dude.

Is this the first Joker action figure that's not smiling?
I think that's the first and biggest problem.

I'm just shocked that Rivers Cuomo put "fuck" into a song. This is the guy who covered Green Day's "Worry Rock" changing its lyrics from "fucked without a kiss again" to "hugged without a kiss again".

So do I. What a gem. One of my favourite movies that I watched for the first time last year. And Shalhoub's performance may be the one that made me laugh the most last year. He was so hilarious, even when not speaking…his facial expressions and interactions with other cast members were priceless.

I didn't much care for it either. Louis C.K. is becoming like Quentin Tarantino to me now. I respect his talent and intelligence and find him to be an interesting interview subject, but his creative output is gradually appealing to me less and less. I think both grow increasingly too self-indulgent and repetitive in

Hallelujah. Now let's hope he's not just 'Background Guy #2'. I've been seeing him in a lame commercial recently and worrying that his career is at a real nadir.

It really is a great user name. Reminds me of my immediate thoughts when her name first started becoming ubiquitous in the news. I really think the most interesting thing about this particular woman is how much her name resembles that of such a fascinating alien race.

If you like him, I recommend a movie called "The Mystery of Mr. X". I think that's his best work. He's been a perfectly serviceable supporting player in lots of movies, but "The Mystery of Mr. X" is where I believe Montgomery got the role he was born to play. It's the only time I thought he really nailed a role as

The Chris Rock version isn't much, but I found pretty watchable. That's more than I can say for "Here Comes Mr. Jordan". Yeah, I thought the same thing as you. This article points out some of the same problems I had with "Here Comes Mr. Jordan", then praises it and says it's better than the re-makes. Strange indeed. I

Thank you. I agree. And I don't like the arrogance of that headline stating that this is better than its re-makes, as if that's an undeniable fact, rather than opinion. I'm a huge fan of '30s and '40s movies and like the cast very much (I think Rains and Montgomery are both very underrated), but don't care much for