Some people know how to quit a book as soon as they stop liking it. But many of us feel some sort of completist…
That album is so damn good.
Track: The Sidewinder | Artist: Lee Morgan | Album: The Sidewinder
While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.
I’ve been playing a TON of Star Wars Commander (which seems to have borrowed a bit from this game), but i would have much preferred to play this!
I’ve seen it, and I did not enjoy it. At all. No spoilers: Some moments play out in such a cliche manner that I was waiting in certain scenes for events to occur, because I predicted them minutes earlier, sometimes an hour earlier. I did not like it, and I’m prepared to raise my voice against the masses come Friday. I…
In #4 we now learn that this thing is just a droid type with a screen for a head. Unsure of the face in the screen is really Palpatine or the aforementioned lookalike actor.
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed by Shattered Empire. I was really hoping that it would show a lot more of what happened in that 30 year period and set up the movies, when instead it only covered a few months into the fall of the Empire. At the very least it should have taken us to the Battle of Jakku.
But that interaction exemplifies the befuddling in-betweenness of this series.Shattered Empire exists solely to place those two characters—one really, since Shara gets most of the spotlight—in close proximity to prominent heroes of the Star Wars saga. “Hey, look, it’s Kes and Han! They’re bantering!” “It’s Shara and…
If I’m not mistaken, it’s Marvel not Dark Horse, but I quibble...
maybe Disney and Dark Horse are still finding their footing?
Yeah, but a ship is named different from before, so stuff is awkward now, you know.
Yeah, if you think “the prequels were an insult” then go get punched in the face.
Mara Jade was my jam. Gonna miss her.
I have the opposite superstition. I make sure I don't touch anything for fear of canceling the capture, like B cancels an evolution.