I personally would rather see less young adult romancey books (that happens to be set in a sci-fi/fantasy setting). It seems like every other book is a teen romance in a dystopian world or some other genre setting...
I personally would rather see less young adult romancey books (that happens to be set in a sci-fi/fantasy setting). It seems like every other book is a teen romance in a dystopian world or some other genre setting...
I for one enjoy the mixture. I gravitate towards the sci-fi, but a few of your recommendations have led me to enjoyable fantasy.
the first time, I was hooked, I was mesmerized, I was laughing and crying and horrified and amused. it lead me to many other works by Vonnegut, for which I'm grateful...
Serious answer, it's Star Trek. I love both franchises, but let's be honest. Star Wars is an incredibly great fantasy tale that makes you swing fake light sabers around and dress up in costumes.
Interesting that list doesn't include the three ongoing Marvel Star Wars comics.
Reading "Sam Alexander" literally knocked the breath out of me. As if the lineup wasn't already perfect.
You give the greatest mutant of them all their own spin-off film.
Is math a science? It doesn't employ the "scientific method." There is no oberservation or experimentation. It is closer to philosophy.
Biology still requires an inordinate amount of counting. Which leads to statistics.
Awake! A show about a guy who alternates realities was really good. Too bad it got cancelled, but at least they had time to "end" it.....
They probably stepped up Promise City for the finale, but everyone in Seattle has powers now and they have their own little enclave. How does the government respond? How does society change? How do they deal with bad people who suddenly have powers? We'll never know.
It's about to get a lot more hard-boiled up in here — welcome to io9's brand new True Crime subsite!
Yes! This is one of those rare covers that is so iconic, and so inextricably tied to the story, that you very rarely see an edition that doesn't use it in some capacity.
The latest 1984 cover from Penquin books.
My vote: DEATH DEATH, CARNAGE AND APOCOLYPSE! Then again space operas don't pay attention to physics.
Oh, definitely read this book. Or listen to it on Audible. Seriously, this book made my last month. I listened to it twice! Once at work during my lab job and then again with my husband and newborn son listening.